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Mr. M. H. Shen


(Shen Ch'i)

Mr. M. H. Shen was born at Ching-hai Hsien, Chihli province, in 1871. He was one of the early graduates of the Peiyang Military Academy in railway engineering. After his graduation he joined the Imperial Army stationed along the Tientsin Shanhaikuan sector, serving for a few years as German interpreter and also teacher in German in the military camping schools. Later he became German translator in the Foreign Affairs Bureau of Shantung at Tsinan. Mr. Shen began his engineering career as Cadet engineer of the Kiaochou Railway. The other positions he held in the Ching regime were: Engineer of the Tientsin Municipal Works Bureau: engineer of Peking-Mukden line; engineer of Peking-Kalgan line; supervisor for the construction of the Army Training. Headquarters building