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Mr. Sun Pao-ch'i


Mr. Sun Pao-ch'i was born at Hangchow, Chekiang province, in 1867. He was the eldest son of late Sun I-ching, Imperial Tutor of Emperor Hsien Feng of the Ching regime. On account of his father's rank he was given the title of Yinsun when he had completed his studies in Chinese and was ready to enter the official circle. At first he wa pointed a junior secretary of the Board of Justice and later made a Taotai in Chihli Province. In June 1902 after having successively served as secetary to Chinese legations in Vienna, Berlin and Paris, Mr. Sun was appointed Chinese Minister to France. Later he was recalled to Peking and in the summer of 1906 he was Chief-Secretary to the Government Council. In the autumn of the same year he was appointed Governor of the Metropolitan District. From April 1907 to December 1908, Mr. Sun was Chinese Minister to Germany. In September 1908, four months before he returned from Germany, he was appointed assistant director of the Tientsin-Pukow Railway. From June 1909 to December 1911, he was