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General Ts'ao Ying


General Ts'ao Ying was born at Tientsin, in 1873. He is a brother of Marshal Ts'ao Kun. He studied at the Military Academy, Tientsin, and became a teacher after graduation. In 1907 he was awarded the rank of magistrate and subsequently he went to Mukden and joined the General Staff Office of the Manchuria Viceroy as a non-commissioned officer. He was later detailed to make an investigation of the boundary question in Manchuli and Siberia. Upon the completion of this mission, he was promoted to be the first class member of the transportation department and concurrently a member of the second bureau for the compilation of military maps. In 1909 he became an advisor to the Intelligence Bureau in Manchuria. In 1910 he was transferred to the Military Survey School as sub-director. Shortly afterwards he was promoted to be superintendent and