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Mr. Henri Waung


(Wang Chao-ming)

Mr. Henri Waung was born at Canton in 1885. His native province is Chekiang. In his youth he studied in the Hsueh Hai Tang, a famous old institute of learning, at Canton, and specialized in the study of the history of China from which he imbibed the idea of racial independence. When he was sixteen, Mr. Waung went to Japan and studied Political Science and Sociology in Tokyo Law College where he later graduated. There he received the idea of democracy. While Mr. Waung was in Japan, Dr. Sun Yat-sen and the late Huang Hsing organized the Tung Ming Hui in Tokyo. Mr. Waung attended the first conference of this organization and was elected a member of the Executive Council, and later elected chairman. At the same time he was engaged to be the editor of the Ming Pao, Tung Ming Hui's organ. Through this paper he advocated “A Republic for China" Doctrine. He personally paticipated in the uprisings of the revolutionary forces at Kuangtung and Kuangsi led by Dr. Sun Yat-sen.