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Wang returned to China in June 1911 and was at once appointed Secretary of the Chinese Y. M. C. A. at Shanghai. Upon the outbreak of the First Revolution in October 1911, he actively identified himself with the revolutionary leaders. He worked for a time under General Li Yuan-hang, who was then the revolutionary commander. Dr. Wang attended, in the capacity of representing Hupei Province, the Conference of Representatives of Provincial Military governments which adopted the Provisional Government Organization Law at Hankow on December 3, 1911. He was one of the signatories of that paper. In the beginning of 1912, Dr. Wang assisted in the organization of the Provisional government. In February 1913, Yuan Shih-kai succeeded Dr. Sun Yat-sen as the Provisional President and assumed the presidency at Peking. The first Republican Cabinet was then formed with Tang Shao-i as Prime Minister. In April Dr. Wang was appointed Vice-Minister of Industry and Commerce. In May he was ordered to act as Minister of Industry and Commerce. In July he resigned from the Ministry. Dr. Wang was a member of the First Parliament which was convoked at Peking on April 8, 1912. He was elected vice-president of the Senate on. April 26. The Parliament was then practically in the control of the Kuomingtang of which Dr. Wang was a prominent member. In November 1913 Yuan Shih-kai proscribed the Kuomingtang to be a seditious organization, dissolved it and unseated all the members of the Parliament belonging to that party. In January 1914 the Parliament was dissolved. Dr. Wang then retired into private life and was afterwards invited by the Shanghai Y. M. C. A. to rejoin its service. He was appointed Secretary of the National Committee of the Y. M. C. A. After the death of Yuan Shih-kai in June 1916, the First Parliament was reconvoked and Dr. Wang resumed his office as Vice-President of the Senate. He remained in this position until the Parliament was again dissolved in June 1917. Dr. Wang, then went to Canton with other parliamentarians. In August 1917 the Extraordinary Parliament was inaugurated at Canton supporting the Opposition government. Dr. Wang was also connected with this movement. In the autumn of 1918 the Southern government despatched him to Washington to represent its case before President Wilson and secure American recognition of its belligerency. During his mission, he was appointed by the Peking government in January 1919 as one of China's Chief Delegates to the Paris Conference. The appointment was made with the object of presenting. China as a united country before the World and accepted for national interest. In February 1920 Dr. Wang returned to China. Then he took an interest in busine He organized an import and export company at Shanghai with himself as Vice-President. He also founded the Hua Feng Cotton Mill Company at Woosung, of which he was managing director. In September 1920 the 'Peking government appointed him President of the Commission for the Study of Peace Treaties. In March 1922 he became Director General of the Rehabilitation of Shantung interests. In April 1922 he was awarded the First Class Tashou Chiaho. In June 1922 he was appointed China's Chief Commissioner to the Sino-Japanese joint Commission to settle the Shantung Question. In July 1922 he was awarded the First Class Taskou Paokuang Chiaho. In October 1922 Dr. Wang was appointed Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs and in December he was ordered