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Mr. T. H. Yeh


(Yeh Ching-hsin)

Mr. T. H. Yeh was born at Hangchow, Chekiang province, in 1882. He received his early education under private tutors, and was required to study classic Chinese. Soon after the Boxer rising in 1900, he came to the North and entered the Peiyang University by competitive examinations, Dr. C. D. Tenney, Chinese Secretary of the American Legation in Peking, was then the dean of the University, where Mr. Yeh studied for two years and a half. After a lapse of one year, when he was ill, Mr. Yeh went to England to pursue higher education. During the first few months in England he was a self-supporting student, but later he was given a government scholarship. He stayed in England for six years and a half,