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Mr. Yu Ya-ching


Mr. Yu Ya-ching, president of the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce of Shanghai, and in February 1925 appointed Associate Governor of the Shanghai-Woosung Administrative District, was born at the town of Chinghai, near Ningpo, Chekiang province. He is sixty years of age and most of his life has been spent in Shanghai where he has come to be regarded as one of the most prominent merchants and public-spirited citizens of the city. Prior to his election to the Chairmanship of the Chinese General Chamber, he served as a member of the Executive Committee of that body for some fifteen years. Among his business connections are the managing directorship of the San Peh Steam Navigation Company, Shanghai Chinese Produce Exchange and a number of other companies. He has always been interested in public and philanthropic enterprises and in the civil wars about Shanghai beginning in September, 1924 he was active in promoting compromises among the warring elements