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acting-director of the Chinese Educational Mission at Washington, D. C. Many times he acted as president of Tsing Hua College-Aug.-Nov. 1913; Aug.-Dec. 1914; March.-April 1915; Aug.-Dec. 1916; Aug.-Dec. 1917; Jan.-July 1918; March-June 1919. Mr. Chao was chief editor of Who's Who of American Returned Students, published by the Tsing Hjua College, in 1917. In November 1920 he was appointed director of the Chinese Educational Mission at Washington D. C. to succeed Dr. Philip Sze, who had returned to China on account of other appointments. In January 1922 Mr. Chao was re-called to Peking and became vice-president of the Tsing Hua college again. This post he is still holding.