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Chemists, Anatomists, Physiologists and Pathologists oft times analyze the tissues and blood of diseased, living or dead persons, in which they discover iron, arsenic, lead—and we almost said plaster-of-paris. The latter, however, we believe is never found inside of human tissues, still it may frequently be detected on the cheeks of our fashionable belles. Hence their erroneous conclusion, deeming these agencies essential constituents, merely because they have been found to exist in the organic domain. To find a certain thing in a man's blood or tissue is no more evidence of its legitimacy, than to find an oyster in his stomach is a proof that the oyster is a part of the man. Or that a thief belonged to the house in which he was detected, as an accidental ingredient. You would soon tell the thief to leave, being an unwelcome intruder, so says an unperverted instinct to uncongenial agencies. Such unsound logic might answer in regard to things pertaining to matter, as in the "Arts and Sciences;" but where Life and Soul become involved, we should expostulate more vehemently! And it is not only a false Physiology that is taught by the Medical profession; but, they confess their ignorance as regards a true Pathology, or the nature and cause of diseases. They openly assert that "they know not what disease is." Neither do they understand the modus operandi, or effects upon the system, of their medicines. All they appear to know about these things is, that disease hurts, and medicines gripe, and by giving them a good opportunity at both, they fire and blaze away in the dark, "hit or miss," "kill or cure," "survive or perish," down you must, and if Satan should yell to the contrary. So numerous are their remedies, and plentiful the diseases, that they are sometimes puzzled to know what kind of disease exists, and what remedies to choose. In such cases a celebrated country doctor has set them a very splendid example.

He was at a loss to diagnosticate or read the disease, when he went to his saddle-bags, and withdrew a powder therefrom, requesting the patient to swallow it, saying, "this will give you fits, and I am death on fits."

Before, Physicians attempt to cure disease, they should know now to sustain normal health, and equally comprehend what disease is. Perfect health signifies Physiology, but comparative health is bordering on Pathology or disease. Perfect health is that condition of the human system in which every organ, gland and fibre is sound and fully developed, and each performs its duty, and no more nor less.

This condition is perfection; it is physiology, it is godliness, it is holiness, it is found only in a person possessing a perfect terrestrial and celestial nature. To such a person drugs or medicines claim an incompatible and poisonous relation, instead of a congenial affinity.

If perfect health signifies physiological, or regular, or normal, or harmonious action, between all the members of the human system, surely, then, disease which is its reverse or opposite condition, must be unphysiological, or irregular, or abnormal, or inharmonious action in the vital domain.

In a few simple words then we have given a true and scientific description of both health and disease. One is regular and the other irregular vital action. It is very plain that they are both actions. The normal, which is health, is physiological action, and the abnormal, which is disease, is pathological action. Therefore, as disease is merely deranged vital action, any person of ordinary discretion