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S. M. LANDIS, M. D.,



Ladies and Gentlemen:

This is a subject which deserves more than ordinary thought; yea, it needs serious consideration, because our lives are in jeopardy!

Many persons, frequently, say to us, that we are too severe on a certain class of "Professional Men." Esteemed friends, truth, pure, scientific, unalterable truth is mighty, majestic, god-like, and must prevail, especially in a matter of so vital importance; and there is no such thing, as advocating a "half–way."

Therefore, as benefactors and honorable citizens we are compelled to "speak the truth, and nothing but the truth," as we understand it, if all the professional characters in creation should become our foes!

The great query, must naturally arise in the minds of the uninitiated and apparently uninterested population; who really are the truth-uttering persons? Truly, who shall decide when doctors and ministers disagree? We emphatically answer sound "common sense" which, however, is not very common.

For our part, we do not claim to know everything; but, what we do know, we are not ashamed of, nor afraid to "preach and practice," and we mean to be true to duty, if the heavens come down.

In this matter we are decidedly "John Brown." That is to say, we are willing to eat out of the same dish, that we recommend to others, face our own music, and take our own Physic.

Being greatly interested in the subject before us, we are willing to labor hard, and sacrifice considerable, to establish a sound Science, in regard to the preservation and restoration of normal health. First, because we are very much concerned about the welfare and happiness of our own, as well as our neighbors' children—who shall live after us to possess this world; and whose lives, health and happiness, commend themselves to our warmest and most heartfelt sympathies! Oh! to see the innocency of youth robbed of all its normal vivacity, grace and symmetrical beauty without a thought upon the very first principles of the Divinity of Nature is barbarous blasphemy and demands vigorous repulsion; yea, it cries aloud for vengeance and redress!