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lend us your most energetic aid, and kindest and warmest sympathies; aye, you would assist us to do away with these incitive causes of licentiousness, gluttony, bigotry, drunkenness and human sufferings!

It makes little difference to us whether you call us Fanatics, Atheists, Christians or Heathens; yea, notwithstanding all the sneers, scorns and scoffs which we have, time and again, been compelled to put up with, we still delight in God's physiological sayings and doings, and we thank the Divinity of Nature, that we are possessed with the goodly feeling in behalf of the welfare, the health, and happiness of our "fellow brothers and sisters!" It makes us exceeding happy to see others happy, and to be happy, we must be healthy, and this is the reason we desire all humanity should be perfectly healthy—so that we can all resemble God's, and unite in outpourings of normal gratitude to the God of love!

We cannot expect that the people will change all, or any, of their unphysiological modes of living as long as doctors and ministers join them in the indulgence of their perverted gratifications of appetite. Although in oiden times the Serpent beguiled Eve; yet our present Eves are too nice and refined to be beguiled. It seems to us, however, that the same Serpent's great, or greatest grand-child is still lurking beneath the tempting viands that beguile to sin both the Adams and Eves of this very enlightened nineteenth century.

If you could see the celebrated Dr. Leibig's combustion phenomenon ripping and tearing the interior organs and glands to pieces, and putrefying their finest tissues, you might be astonished at this celebrity's errors, especially, if you could take a bird's eye view at the unition of the horrible messes of combustible incongruities, which are repeatedly shovelled down from above, into an innocent and defenceless stomach!

Indeed, indeed! a few ordinary fashionable doses of spices, sauces, sausages, meats, tarts, jellies, pies, nuts, confectionaries, bon-bons, ice-creams, and the wines, brandies, punches, slings, teas, coffees, chocolates, tobaccos, and the cholagogues, hydragogues, sialagogues, and all other gogues, and medicaments ushered by lightning velocity into a receptacle, called the "human stomach" needs no commendation to attest the truthfulness of the existence of combustion and putrefaction. But does this complication of riot and gluttony give any evidence in favor of a legitimate "combustion phenomenon?" No put all these combustible agencies on s heap, and let air and light come in contact with them, and observe if the consequence will not shortly be a mass of manure. Heaping each separately will not render either of them half as susceptible to combustion and putrefaction as will their combination.

Combustion however, says medical and chemical Authority generates heat; truly, so does manure heat up the hot-house plant, but how artificial, pale and bloodless is that plant compared with the one which is nourished by normal agencies.

Equally pale and soft is the man or woman who lives on combustible or stimulating elements, instead of the natural concomitants of life.

Wheat Corn, Potatoes, sound Fruits, &c., keep a long while without rotting. Why is this? Because nothing but the pure elementary principles of nutrition and non-nutrition are inherent in these "fruits