Page:Whyte-Melville--Bones and I.djvu/151

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sonnets he made on his voyage, "Yret et dolent m'en partray," &c. It has some pathos and sentiment. "I should depart pensive but for this love of mine so far away, for I know not what difficulties I may have to encounter, my native land being so far away. Thou who hast made all things and who formed this love of mine so far away, give me strength of body, and then I may hope to see this love of mine so far away. Surely my love must be founded on true merit, as I love one so far away. If I am easy for a moment, yet I feel a thousand pains for her who is so far away. No other love ever touched my heart than this for her so far away. A fairer than she never touched any heart, either so near or so far away!" '

"It is utter nonsense, I grant you, and the doings of this love-sick idiot seem to have been in character with his stanzas, yet