Page:Wives of the prime ministers, 1844-1906.djvu/214

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The Queen observed, 'What care Willie takes of Agnes,' admired his hair and his width. Agnes's independence amused her, and she was in fits of laughter occasionally at her. Before leaving the Queen kissed both my children."

"January 30, 1846.—Dined at the Palace; the Queen ill dressed; very kind to us, talking much of Mary's children and my own. The Queen has ordered me to bring my children to her on Saturday.

"I accordingly took the four, Willie, Agnes, Stephen,[1] and Jessy.[2] H.M. came in with her four, and was very nice and kind. Princess Royal a nice quiet thing, not so much difference in the heights as last time. Prince of Wales has a striking countenance, Alfred very pretty, all have such fat white necks. Prince Alfred is a year and a half old, Stephen head and shoulders taller at a year and ten months. The Queen commented on Agnes's looks: 'I had not heard about her being so very pretty.' Thought Willie pale and Stephen gigantic, baby fat and like her father. She took great notice of them all, kissed Agnes and gave them a huge lamb between them all, which the Royal children and ours played with very happily during the visit. The Queen spoke of their goodness, asked if they were always so good."

  1. Born 1844.
  2. Born 1845.