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the tent and made him see Mars, Jupiter, Venus and a tornado before she got through with him).

Sarah hustled Hagar and her child out into the wilderness. An angel met poor Hagar and told her to go back. I never had any respect for that angel. Now what Sarah should have done, was to see to it that Abraham, out of his great riches, provided for his legal wife and concubine, and then have given him his walking papers. Many modern Sarah's are administering a dose of this medicine to the Abrahams of today.

Abraham once entertained three angels and he told Sarah to have some angel cake for the luncheon. Did Sarah obey? No; she did not feel like baking cake even for angel visitors, so she followed her own sweet will, instead of Abraham's command.

When the angel told Abraham that Sarah would bear a son, "Sarah laughed, being she was old," and the angel was insulted because a woman had laughed at he, she or it (The sex of angels is to mortals an unknown quantity). But when Isaac was born Sarah gave peremptory orders to Father Abraham and he obeyed them instanter, yet apostle Peter holds Sarah up as an example for all women to follow saying: "Even as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him Lord."

Abraham after his experience with Sarah and Hagar set about to secure a wife for Isaac. He sent a servant to Nahor to become acquainted with the maidens that "were fair to look upon." The society girls of Nahor had a fashion of congregating at the well to attract the beaus just as United States girls go today to the matinee, park, boulevard or to church on a husband hunting expedition.

Along came the fair and festive Rebecca. When told that a rich young man in a far country wanted a wife without inquiring as to the character of the young man Rebecca said: "I will go." From all ac-