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the "daughters of men" to cause all the sin in the world and evade the law themselves, and make the "sons of God" pay the penalty.

Bible women are not models for the women of today.

The thought that possesses me is this: What can women see in the Christian religion for themselves? I can see why some men might be Christians because they can secure place, power, profit and title, but what there is in it for women is more than I can divine. Then for men, there is a Bible promise of being made angels in heaven. Of course there is some inferior angel material among men, but doubtless in the New Jerusalem, they will be divided into winged seraphs and swamp angels, just as in this world they are divided into saints and sinners, common clay and the sifted dust of the earth.

The Bible promises nothing but subjection in this life for women, and no mention is made that there will be any female seraphs in the angel throng. Holy writ gives men alone a passport through the pearly gates of the Heavenly city. The Bible says explicitly "it is not good for man to be alone," yet the church today is a female institution. All men in heaven, and all women in the church on earth. Strange, ain't it? The average woman makes a fetich of the Bible, and a God of her preacher, but she does not understand either one of them. The preacher interprets the Bible for women. All the absurdities and cruelties veiled in liturgies and sermons, are explained to trusting female Christians as "Divine Mysteries." The truth is, women have been fed on "Divine Mysteries" so long that they are the most mysterious creatures on earth. I ought to understand them because my grandmother, mother, and all my female relations were women, and I am a woman myself, but I don't. For the most part women are good hearted creatures, but they fail in