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have landed the chariot with its precious cargo within the heavenly gates.

The cry from the pulpit is "cling to the religion learned from your mother's knee." We are glad that the clergy make an open confession that the intellect of the orthodox mother is located in her knee; for the impossible Bible stories taught to children give no evidence that the brain power is called into action.

We do not wish to be understood as claiming that intellectual knees are always of the feminine gender, for we would not be so unjust to the vast army of bishops, priests and deacons who muzzle the women, and reserve an intimate acquaintance with the Deity for themselves. The real truth is women do not know what the Bible teaches for them. Only one eleventh of the Holy Book is devoted to them, and much of that is so obscene that no preacher would dare read it to his congregation. Bible women are a sorry lot. The Bible values woman chiefly for her anatomy and because she is a race preserver.

If this fails under the eye of any Christian woman let me beg of you "to enter into thy closet, and when thou hast entered in," open your holy Bible and read in the light of reason the doom pronounced on woman that thundered from Sinai; read what the "Lord spake unto Moses" in the fifth chapter of Numbers; read the thirty-first chapter of Numbers, and keep turning the leaves of "God's word" and find countless passages concerning women which are too diabolical to go in print at this day. Take these dear sister to your preacher and ask him to call a meeting "for women only" and explain these commands of the Lord, concerning the mothers of the race. Do you think, dear sister, there is a preacher in Christendom who would dare do it. Not one.

Keep on searching the scriptures, dear sister, that is a Bible command, and if your preacher will not