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pathway, and the possibilities of life lay dormant At last the door opened for her to begin what has proved most successful occupation. Hoping to benefit herself by striving for what seemed then almost unattainable, and seeing no avenue open to American women which promised more usefulness than the profession of medicine, she entered the Woman's Medical College of Philadelphia, in 1862. In 1865 she was called to Clifton Springs. N. Y., as house physician in an institution there. Two years later she went to Rochester, Minn., and commenced a general practice, winning from the first signal success, which has always since followed her. In 1869 she removed to Toledo, Ohio, where she has since lived. During that year she showed one of her most marked characteristics, self-sacrifice, by adopting a blind sister's six children, the youngest but two days old and the oldest but twelve years old. She bravely bore her burden and now has the satisfaction of seeing all those children prosperous and happy. In 1876 she became the wife of Rev. Elnathan Gavitt, an elder of the Methodist Episcopal Church, but her marriage did not cause her to give up her profession, in which she had come to stand among the first in the State. Mrs. Gavitt is a woman of strong individuality of character. She has absolute belief in the brotherhood of humanity, and for that reason her skill has been exercised for the poor and the rich alike. For her work she has a peculiar fitness, and it has brought her into the closest contact with suffering and sorrow, for which her sympathies never fail.

GEORGE, Mrs. Lydia A., army nurse and philanthropist, born in New Limerick, Me., 1st April, 1839. Her maiden name was Philpot, and LYDIA A. GEORGE. she traces her ancestry back to English sources upon her father's side. In May, 1854, the family removed to Elk River, Minn., where, in 1857, she became the wife of Charles H. Hancock, of that place. Two years after her marriage, having no children of her own, she took to her home an orphan girl, who remained with them until she was married. Later, she took a motherless boy, who remained with them five years. A devout Christian of non-sectarian spirit, she was earnest in the work of various missions carried on by different denominations. The fateful signal gun which boomed out over Fort Sumter found her superintending a Sabbath-school in Elk River. In August, 1862, her husband enlisted in Company A, Eighth Regiment, Minnesota Volunteer Infantry. She sought an interview with General Pope, then stationed in St. Paul, and obtained permission to go with the regiment. The Indian outbreaks along the frontier at that time made it necessary for Minnesota troops to remain in the Northwest, and after the necessary drilling they were assigned by companies to their respective stations in the Sioux and Chippewa countries. Company A was ordered to the Chippewa Agency in September, and thither Mrs. Hancock soon followed. Arriving at the agency, she was assigned to a room in the agency building, which was the headquarters and also served as a hospital for the company. Work was awaiting her, for thirteen of the company were prostrated with measles, which rapidly spread until it attacked every man who had not previously had the disease. In April, 1863, the company were ordered to Fort Ripley, and remained there two months. From Fort Ripley they went to the Sauk Valley. The winter following they were ordered to Fort Abercrombie, Dak., in the Sioux country, where she remained until spring, having shared in all the vicissitudes of camp life on the frontier. Then her health demanded a rest. In Anoka, Minn., in the fall of 1865, her husband was brought to her in the arms of his comrades, that she might once more look upon his face and minister to his last wants. Her interest in the soldier, his widow and his orphans did not cease with the close of the war. In June, 18S5, she joined the Woman's Relief Corps, at the institution of Dudley P. Chase Corps, of Minneapolis, Minn., of which organization she was chosen president. She served in that capacity for two years. On 11th January, 1887, she became the wife of Capt. J. W. George, Company G, Thirty-third Massachusetts Volunteers, one of the most prominent Grand Army men in Minnesota. Captain and Mrs. George worked hand in hand, and their voices were heard at many campfires and patriotic gatherings throughout the districts of the State, and pecuniary assistance was given by them to many enterprises for the assistance of needy comrades. Captain George organized William Downs Post, No. 68. in Minneapolis, and she was interested in the organization of an auxiliary corps, and in January, 1885, at the institution of William Downs Corps, she was elected president. She served in that capacity until she was called to serve the State as its department president. Her husband died in May, 1891. Mrs. George has served the Woman's Relief Corps in many capacities, both in the State councils and in national conventions. She is now actively engaged in temperance work.

GIBBONS, Mrs. Abby Hopper, philanthropist, born in Philadelphia, Pa., 7th December, 1801. She is a daughter of Isaac T. Hopper, the Quaker philanthropist. She received a liberal education and taught in Philadelphia and New York City. In she became the wife of James Sloane Gibbons. In 1834 they settled in New York City. Mrs. Gibbons became at once prominent in charitable work. In 1845 she aided her father in organizing the Women's Prison Association, and the father and daughter cooperated in founding