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earnest talks. She has one son and one daughter. Her home is in Fremont. Neb.

SARAH DYER HOBART. HOBART, Mrs. Sarah Dyer, poet and author, born in Otsego, Wis., 20th September, 1845. Her parents were among the earliest settlers in that part of the State, and her early life was that of a pioneer. Her parents were intelligent and ambitious for her, and gave her all the assistance in their power, and she did the rest for herself. She became a well-educated person. She commenced her literary career at the age of eighteen, and has been a contributor to the periodical press ever since. Her poems soon made her name well known, and her sketches added to her popularity. In 1866 she became the wife of Colonel M. C. Hobart, who had just returned from the war. Three children grace their pleasant home on Fountain Prairie, in Wisconsin. Mrs. Hobart now stands among the acknowledged poets of the country. Her sonnets are perhaps her best work. Her poems have not yet been gathered in a volume.

HODGIN, Mrs. Emily Caroline Chandler, temperance reformer, born in Williamsport, Ind., EMILY CAROLINE CHANDLER HODGIN. 12th April, 1838. Her father, Hon. Robert A. Chandler, who was of German descent, emigrated from New York to western Indiana while it was yet a wilderness. Mr. Chandler was a self-made man, a scholarly lawyer. He accumulated a competence and reared a large family. The mother was a member of the Dodd family, of Orange, N. J., and was a cultured Christian lady. Mrs. Hodgin had the advantage of the best schools of Williamsport and her father's large library. Accepting her father's doctrine that every one should learn to be self-supporting, she early taught school, and paid her own way through the Illinois Normal University, graduating in 1867, making a record as a strong student, especially in mathematics. After graduating she became the wife of her classmate, Cyrus W. Hodgin, and settled in Richmond, Ind. There two years later, a daughter, her only child, was born. In 1872 she removed to Terre Haute, where for many years her husband was a teacher in the State Normal School. It was there Mrs. Hodgin entered the field of work that has since chiefly occupied her time and best thought. She was one of the leaders in the temperance crusade in the city, and was a delegate to the convention in Cleveland, Ohio, where the crusading spirit was crystallized by the organization of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union. After that she began the work of organizing the forces in neighboring parts of the State. In 1878 the strain upon her strength induced nervous exhaustion, from which she found relief by a six-months retirement in the sanitarium in Dansville, N. Y. In 1883 she returned to Richmond, and has since been devoting much of her time to furthering the work of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union. She is president of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union in her own county, is secretary of the State Suffrage Association, and is one of the trustees of the Hadley Industrial Home for the education of poor girls. In addition to these lines of work, she received in 1886 the Chautauqua diploma for a four-years course of study, and recently completed a course of biblical and theological study in Earlham College. She is a member of the Society of Friends and avails herself of the freedom accorded to the women of that church to "speak in meeting."

HODGKINS, Miss Louise Manning, author and educator, born in Ipswich, Mass., 5th August. 1846. Descended from a line of soldiers reaching back to Revolutionary times, it was not strange that Miss Hodgkins brought courage, faithfulness, LOUISE MANNING HODGINS. fortitude and enthusiasm to the work of life. Her education was begun in the Ipswich Seminary under Mrs. Eunice P. Cowles, continued in Pennington Seminary. N. J., and in Wilbraham,