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Losing none of her interest in educational matters, she joined the Society for the Encouragement of Study at Home, conducted by a number of educated Cambridge women, supplementing her studies ELLA M. S. MARBLE. by contributions to the leading papers and magazines of Maine and Massachusetts. In 1873 she accepted the editorial management of the juvenile department of a Maine paper. Failing health put a stop to her literary work for a time, and in starch of health she moved to the West, spending five years in Kansas and Minnesota, devoting herself almost exclusively to philanthropic and educational work. She held at one time the offices of president of the Minnesota State Suffrage Association, president of the Minneapolis Suffrage Association, seven offices in the Woman's Christian Temperance Union and secretary of the White Cross movement. She was also secretary and director of a maternity hospital, which she did much toward starting. She was one of the founders of the immense Woman's Christian Temperance Union Coffee Palace in Minneapolis. Receiving, in 1888, a flattering offer from a Washington daily newspaper, she moved to the Capital to take a position upon the editorial staff. She contributed also Washington letters to eastern and western papers. railing health caused her to abandon all literary work and engage in something more active, and she turned her attention to physical culture for women. She established, in 1889, the first women's gymnasium ever opened in Washington, D. C. She also established in connection with it an emporium for healthful dress, and found great pleasure in the fact that she had surrounded herself with two-hundred-fifty women and children who, as teachers, pupils and sewing-girls, were all looking to her to guide them toward health. In 1890, and again in 1891, she was made president of the District of Columbia Woman's Suffrage Association. She was several times called by the national officers to address the committees of the House and Senate. As a public speaker she was elective. Her wide experience in philanthropic work caused her to be called frequently to fill pulpits of both orthodox and liberal churches. In 1891, having made her school of physical culture a social and financial success, she sold it and accepted the financial agency of Wimodaughsis, the national woman's club. From girlhood she has taken an active interest in any movement calculated to advance the interests of women.

MARK, Miss Nellie V., physician, born in Cashtown, Pa., near Gettysburg, 21st July, 1857. Whether or not her advent into the world at a time when the aphorism, "All men are born free and equal," was on everybody's tongue, developed in her a belief that woman shares in the term "man," and a residence at the most susceptible age on the scene and at the time of the greatest battle ever fought in defense of that idea, inspired the desire to aid the suffering, suffice it to say that Dr. Mark can not remember the time when she was not a suffragist and a doctor. NELLIE V. MARK. She was always making salve, and ointments for lame horses and dogs. Only one cat and no chickens died under her care. The account of those early days is brief: "Smart child, but very bad!" In July. 1875, Dr. Mark was graduated from the Lutherville Seminary, Maryland, and in 1883 she returned to make an address before the alumni on "Woman Suffrage and its Workers." Three years later she delivered another on "Woman in the Medical Profession," which the faculty had printed in pamphlet form for distribution, and she was elected president of the Alumni Association. After her graduation she studied under the professors in Gettysburg for several years, during which time she was under allopathic treatment in that place and in Baltimore for inherited rheumatism, which affected her eyes. Experiencing no improvement, she tried homeopathy