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She has written much and her work has been widely copied.

SPALDING, Mrs. Susan Marr, poet, was born in Bath, Me. Her maiden name was Marr. SUSAN MARR SPALDING. Her youth was passed in Rath, and she studied in a seminary. Her parents died, while she was a girl, and she went to New York City to live in the family of an uncle, a clergyman. At an early age she became the wife of Mr. Spalding, a cultured and literary man. They settled in Philadelphia, Pa., where Mr. Spalding died shortly after. She continues to make her home in that city, though her time is passed mostly among relatives and friend in answer to the demands made upon her as nurse and counselor. She is a woman of varied accomplishments. Her poetical career dates back to her girlhood. Her poems are artistic productions, and she excels in sonnet writing. Ranking among the most successful sonnet writers of the day. her work has a peculiar charm. She has contributed to many prominent periodicals

SPARHAWK, Miss Frances Campbell, author and philanthropist, born in Amesbury, Mass., 28th July, 1847. She will be remembered by posterity as one who was associated with efforts in In-half of the American Indians. She is of distinguished ancestry, descended on her mother's side from a Highland baronet, a Jacobite, who, through his adherence to the Stuarts, lost both his title and estate. On her father's side she is related to a branch of the Sir William Pepperell family. Her father was an eminent physician, a graduate of Dartmouth College and of the Harvard Medical School, and studied in the Massachusetts General Hospital under Dr. Janus Jackson. FRANCES CAMPBELL SPARHAWK. When a child, Frances was ill a great deal and was kept away from school. She drove about with her father, when he went to visit his patients, imbibing his thought and spirit. which was of the tinest mold. Another strong formative influence in those early days was her friendship with their neighbor, the poet, John Greenleaf Whittier. She was graduated in the young ladies' seminary in Ipswich, Mass., in 1867. the valedictorian of her class. Soon after leaving the seminary she began to write for the press, contributing stones and sketches to various papers and magazines, and published her first book. "A Lazy Man's Work," in 1881. That was followed by "Elizabeth, A Romance of Colonial Days," a story of the siege of Louisburg. It was brought out as a serial in the "New England Magazine" in 1884. In 1886 "Gladys Langdon" came out in the "Christian Union " as a serial. The same paper published her other articles, and from time to time the greater number of the stories in "Little Polly Blatchley," afterward collected in book form (Boston, 1887}. She then published "Miss West's Class" (1887); "The Query Club" in "Education," "A Chronicle of Conquest" (1890); "Onoqua," her last novel (1892). These last two stories deal with Indian life, with which Miss Sparhawk is thoroughly familiar, having spent some time in the Carlisle Indian School, where she edited the "Red Man," and having also visited other Indian schools and reservations. She is a member of the Woman's National Indian Association and puts much time, strength and enthusiasm into her great life-work. Her present home is in Newton Center, Mass. where she lives with two sisters, all who are left of her immediate family.

SPEAR, Miss Catherine Swan Brown, reformer and educator, born in Worcester county, Mass., in 1814. Her father, Samuel Swan, was of Scotch origin, an American by birth. Her mother. Clara Hale, was of English descent by both parents. Her mother was Joanna Carter, of Leominster. Their residence was in Hubbardston, Mass. Her father was graduated from Cambridge University in 1799. Both parents were teachers.