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The Wonderful and most astonishing Account of Alexander Libanus.

IN Libyssa there lately lived one, called Alexander Libanus, who, in his younger years, appeared to have great zeal for truth and piety, he began to show his great regard for truth and piety, when he was about fourteen years of age, and continued very godly till he was arrived at twenty-one years of age, and then he began to be drawn off by worldly pleasures. He was very much drawn off by the female sex, which had a tendency to deprive him of all his money, and, being very much disquieted, he went one day into a very large wood, not far from the place where he used to resort. After having walked there a good while for his pleasure, he sat down, being wearied, under a tree. He was seized with more than ordinary grief at his low condition, and casting his eyes around him, he saw, as he thought, a very fine gentleman, clothed in black, coming forward to him who addressed him in the following words, Sir, you seem disconsolate, what is the matter that you are so? Yes, says Alexander. I am much distressed on