Page:Wonderful and most astonishing account of Alexander Libanus.pdf/4

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wherein he was resolved to commit all manner of wickedness with greediness. He as usual, went out, upon a certain day, and saw a very fine gentleman, clothed in gay raiment, coming to meet him, who, as soon as he became up to him, he shot dead upon the spot, without saying one word. Alexander immediately, having shot the gentleman, and taking his money, was going off. And having seen a body of men pursuing him, immediately betook himself to his heels, but he being overtaken, was apprehended, and put into prison; where he was tried for the murder, and condemned to be hanged. All hopes of relief being taken away, he thought upon nothing but that he must assuredly die. But within two days of the time in which he was to sufFer, several of his companions being within the prison, in order to comfort him, seeing his death was so near, and the doors being all shut, notwithstanding, the devil came in the shape of a boar of immense bulk, which put them all into a great surprize, Alexander immediately leapt upon it’s back, when he went out with such extraordinary swiftness, the people thought the whole house shook. Immediately it was noised abroad, that the devil had carried