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had not those of opulent fortunes been inspired with a remarkable spirit of compassion and humanity. Nothing can redound more to the honour of the English nation, than did those instances of benevolence and well-conducted charity which were then exhibited.


A remarkable, though not unprecedented, occurance, happened on Monday last in the neighbouring county of Ross. As Major Forbes Mackenzie of Fodderty, in Strathpeffer, was traversing a field on his farm, he was not a little surprised to find a considerable portion of the ground covered with herring fry, of from three to four inches in length. The fish were fresh and entire, and had no appearance of being dropt by birds—a medium by which they must have been bruised and mutilated. The only rational conjecture that can be formed of the circumstance is that the fish were transported thither on a wate-spout—a phenomenon that has before occurred in this country, and which is by no means uncommon in tropical climates. The Frith of Dingwall lies at the distance of three miles from the place in question; but no obstruction occurs between the field and the sea—the whole is a level strath or plain—and waterspouts have been known to carry even farther than this. Major Mackenzie has forwarded a small quantity of the fish to the Secretary of