Page:Works of Voltaire Volume 36.djvu/111

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On Calumny.

Since beautiful 'twill be your fate
Emilia to incur much hate,
Almost one-half of human race
Will even curse you to your face;
Possessed of Genius' noblest fire,
With fear you will each breast inspire;
As you too easily confide
You'll often be betrayed, belied:
You ne'er of virtue made parade,
To hypocrites no court you've paid.
Therefore, of calumny beware,
Foe to the virtuous and the fair.
Expect from every fool at court
Those squibs thrown out in evil sport;
Those jests which each on others makes,
And suffers freedoms which he takes.
The cursed licentiousness of tongue
From indolence and self-love sprung.
The monster of each sex appears,
Her prate the crowd attentive hears.
The scourge of man and man's delight
She o'er the world asserts her right.
Wit to the dullest she imparts,
The wise repel her from their hearts.
The fury, with malignant sneer,
Attacks mankind in every sphere.