Page talk:Don Quixote (Cervantes, Ormsby) Volume 1.djvu/97

I have an ancient chihuahua who look just like Rocinante. I just wrote a poem for him. He is not going to be with me forever, it only feels like that. And I myself have been tilting at windmills for decades. I will try to attach the poem, and a photo but I am not on any social media. I am a pen and paper sort of person. ~ All the best, Gabriela

I once worked for a principal who was called El Don in the community.


When he retired, I witnessed him driving off in his car with his fishing pole on the roof of his car, wearing a bucket hat. He taught me to monitor young children in the cafeteria, to ensure that they didn't throw away their free / reduced breakfast and lunch. He spent all of his time on cafeteria duty and bus duty, keeping children safe. He had "gone fishing," but he earned it after 40 years of caring for children in our community. He was El Don, and that is a term of respect. Money cannot buy that!

I love your page name, deja vu. It's perfect.


I doubt I can "validate" your page without doing a lot of research, but I know it to be true. I only found your remarks by doing a web search because I have lately begun calling my dog Rocinante and needed to find a few lines as an epigram for his poem. I haven't read Cervantes for decades, and I did so in Spanish, so I did not capture every word. I am a scholar, but that is not my subject! Respectfully, Gabriela