Proceedings of the Convention of the Equal Rights and Educational Association of Georgia (1866)/Part 1



Macon, Ga., October 30th, 1866.

The Georgia Equal Rights Association met in Convention at the African Methodist Episcopal church. The Convention was called to order by the President, Captain J. E. Bryant, at ten o'clock A. M. The proceedings were opened with a very impressive prayer by Rev. Wilkes Flagg, of Baldwin county. The President, after giving a brief history of the Association, appointed the following gentlemen a Committee on Credentals: Rev. Wm. J. White of Richmond, Lawrence Gardiner of Hancock, Wm. H. Harris of Warren, S. McAlister of Morgan, and Lewis Smith of Bibb. The committee reported the following delegates duly elected to this Convention:

Bibb county. Rev Milton Tillinghast, Rev Lewis Smith, A G Gaston, W D Sneed.

Baldwin county. Rev Wilkes Flagg, Berry Hall.

Burke county. Rev Edward Crumby, Peter Drayton, John P Nelson.

Butts county. Anderson Freeman, G Wise.

Calhoun county. Henry Thompson, C Thomas.

Clarke county. James Bacon.

Clayton county. Sam'l Chubbs.

Cobb county. W Cokine.

Coweta county. Samuel Smith, Benj Dent.

Dougherty county. Benj Sjkes, S Sherman.

Fulton county. Rev A Jackson, Wm R Mann.

Green county. Wesley Mapp, Chas Martin.

Glascock county. Singleton Davis, John Ruff.

Hancock county. L F Gardner, L H Holsey, A Yancy.

Houston county. Isaac Harrall, A Roily, S A Cobb.

Henry county. H Griffin, H Humphrey.

Jasper county. Rev T M Allen, J Cargill.

Jefferson county. Rev R Smith, A Spann, G W Stone.

Johnson county. Rev S Harris, W Outley. Jones county. Rev J P Hutckins, S P Barron.

Laurens county. Rev G Lenuor.

Macon county. W Lewis, Riley Chamlin.

Morgan county. S McAlister, E Johnson, Rev N Russell.

Monroe county. Wm A Travis, T Stone, F Floyd, G H Glower, R Clower, J Buckner, J Ben field, P Alston.

Marion county. J S Williams.

Newton county. R Johnson, Thos Brooks.

Pulaski county. James Scarborough, J Horn.

Putnam county. Wm Johnson.

Pike county. R Mangham, Samuel Martin.

Quitman county. Rev G Brown.

Richmond county. Rev W J White, T Hankerson, Rev E Purdy.

Spalding county. D McClendon, J Stevens, D Cobbin,

Screven county. Rev L Kelsey, Rev R Kelsey.

Sumter county. S M Walters.

Talbot county. Henry Holsey, Kit Daniels.

Warren county. J R Heath, Wm H Harris.

Washington county. Rev D Palmer John Foster.

Webster county. F Weaver.

Upson county. Geo Carey, Charles Guilford.

Wilkes county. Rev L Williams

Whitfield county. Rev A Brown.

The report was received and adopted. Mr N D Sneed, of Bibb, was chosen First, and Mr Robt Johnson, of Newton, Second Assistant Secretaries. The President requested that a committee be appointed to confer with the Union League, for the purpose of uniting all the friends of equal rights in one Convention. The following gentlemen were appointed: Rev A Jackson, of Fulton, Eev H M Turner, of Bibb, Thomas Hankerson, of Richmond, Wm A Travis, of. Monroe, and Albert Roily, of Houston.

On motion of Rev H M Turner, voted that we have a public meeting this evening.

Major G L Eberhart was invited to address the meeting.

Convention adjourned to three, P. M.

afternoon session.

President called the Convention to order at three o'clock and laid before the Convention, the action of the State Council, recommending that the Loyal Georgian be transferred by the Association to the creditors of the same, for the purpose of forming a joint stock company, providing they assume the debts of the paper.

On motion of Rev A Jackson, of Fulton, the following resolution was adopted:

Resolved, That we agree to transfer the Loyal Georgian to the creditors of the Association for the purpose of forming a joint-stock company, and that each member of the Association use his best efforts to sell stools sufficient to put the paper upon a firm basis; laboring for it as they have never labored before.

The Committee on Conference made report, which was adopted, recommending that all delegates from counties in which there were no Equal Rights Associations, be admitted to the Convention.

Adjourned to nine o'clock to-morrow morning.

second day.

President called Convention to order at nine o'clock. Prayer by Mr. Gardner of Hancock. Minutes read and approved. Chairman of Committee on Conference reported that the committee were unable to agree with the Union League upon a plan to unite with this Convention. On motion, the report was received and adopted.

On motion of Bacon, of Clarke, ordered that the resolution relating to the transfer of the Loyal Georgian to a joint-stock company, be published in the Loyal Georgian separately.

Rev W Flagg presented twelve dollars—amount of collection at public meeting for the Loyal Georgian.

The President then delivered the following annual address which was listened to with the most profound interest, and a resolution unanimously adopted requesting him to furnish a copy for publication in the Loyal Georgian.