Protestant Exiles from France/Volume 2 - Book Third - Chapter 27 - Surnames

2917295Protestant Exiles from France — Volume 2 - Book Third - Chapter 27 - SurnamesDavid Carnegie Andrew Agnew


The Huguenot surnames have to a considerable extent remained unchanged as to spelling, though anglicized as to pronunciation, such as Papillon, De la Cherois, Tahourdin, &c. But many have been translated, such as Lemaitre, now Masters; Le Roy, King; Dubois, Wood; Tonnelier, Cooper; Le Tellier, Taylor; Vert, Green; Le Noir, Black; Le Blanc, White; Loisseau, Bird. In Portarlington the names of La Touche and Champ survived. In that town in old times a Monsieur Le Blanc added “gentilhomme” to his signature, in order to distinguish himself from Le Blanc, his butcher. The patrician stock failed, but the butcher’s shop has been always kept open. Anglicised spelling hands down the French pronunciation, and reveals the Huguenot pedigree of Mr. Blong, the butcher of Portarlington.