Resolution calling for states to cede claims in the western lands

Resolution calling for states to cede claims in the western lands (1780)
Congress of the Confederation

Adopted 6 September 1780

Source: Journals of the Continental Congress, Volume XVII. 1780 May 8 - September 6, p. 806

482291Resolution calling for states to cede claims in the western lands1780Congress of the Confederation

A motion was made by Mr. [Joseph] Jones, seconded by Mr. [James] Madison, respecting the lands that may be ceded in pursuance of the foregoing report and resolve.

That in case the recommendation of Congress to the States of Virginia, North Carolina and Georgia to cede to the United States a portion of their unappropriated Western Territory shall be complied with in such manner as to be approved of by Congress, the Territory so ceded shall be laid out in separate and distinct States at such time and in such manner as Congress shall hereafter direct, so as that no state be less than one hundred or more than one hundred and fifty miles square or as near thereto as circumstances will admit, and that upon such cession being approved of and accepted by Congress the United States will guaranty the remaining Territory to the said States respectively.

That such of the said States as have been at expence in subduing any of the British Posts within the Territory proposed to be ceded and in maintaining Garrisons and supporting civil government therein since the reduction of such Posts shall be reimbursed by the Continent the amount of such expence.

That all the Lands to be ceded to the United States and not appropriated or disposed of in bounties to the American Army, shall be considered as a common fund for the use and benefit of such of the United States as have become or shall become members of the confederation according to their usual proportions or quotas of general charge and expenditure, and shall be applied and disposed of for that purpose and no other whatsoever, and therefore all purchases and deeds from any Indian or Indians, or any Indian Nation or Nations for any Lands within any part of such ceded Territory, which have been or shall be made for the use of any private person or persons whatsoever, shall be deemed and taken as absolutely void.footnote: The following motion, undated, is in No. 36, IV, folio 21: That the first resolve in the report under consideration be postponed, till Congress Shall have determined on the following motion, That previous to any determination in Congreas relative to the cessions of the Western lands the name of each member present be called over by the Secretary, that on such call each member do declare upon his honor whether he is or is not personally interested, directly or indirectly, in the claims of any company or companies which have petitioned against the territorial rights, of any one of the States by whom such cessions have been made, and that such declaration be entered on the Journals." A note is added: "Yeas and nays required by Col. [Theodorick] Bland."

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