Sermons for all the Sundays in the year/Object of the Work

Sermons for all the Sundays in the year (1882)
by Alphonsus Liguori
Object of the Work
3855314Sermons for all the Sundays in the year — Object of the Work1882Alphonsus Liguori


The present Work is entitled, Abridged Sermons for all the Sundays in the Year. They are called Abridged Sermons, because, although each contains abundant matter for a sermon, the sentiments are briefly expressed—not, however, so briefly as to render the sense obscure. Hence the work may be used for spiritual lectures. Diffuseness has been purposely avoided, that the preacher may extend the subject treated in the way which may appear best to him. A preacher will scarce ever deliver, with zeal and warmth, sentiments which he has not made in some manner his own. Hence the matter of each sermon has been condensed into a small compass, that the preacher may extend it according to his pleasure, and thus make it his own.

In each sermon there are many passages from the Scriptures and Holy Fathers, and a variety of reflections—perhaps too many for a single discourse—that the reader may select what will be most pleasing to him. The style is easy and simple, and therefore calculated to render the preaching of the Divine Word conducive to the salvation of souls.


In obedience to the decrees of Urban VIII., I protest that, of the miraculous works and gifts ascribed in this work to certain servants of God, and not already approved by the Holy See, I claim no other belief than that which is ordinarily given to history resting on mere human authority; and that in bestowing the title of Saint or Blessed, on any person not canonized or beatified by the Church, I only intend to do it according to the usage and opinion of men.