Shakespeare - First Folio facsimile (1910)/The Tragedie of Anthonie, and Cleopatra/Act 4 Scene 2

Shakespeare - First Folio facsimile (1910)
William Shakespeare
The Tragedie of Anthonie, and Cleopatra, Act IV: Scene II
4022419Shakespeare - First Folio facsimile (1910) — The Tragedie of Anthonie, and Cleopatra, Act IV: Scene IIWilliam Shakespeare
Enter Anthony, Cleopatra, Enobarbus, Charmian,
Iras, Alexas, with others.

He will not fight with me, Domitian?


Why should he not?

He thinks, being twenty times of better fortune,
He is twenty men to one.

To morrow Soldier,
By Sea and Land Ile fight: or I will liue,
Or bathe my dying Honor in the blood
Shall make it liue againe. Woo't thou fight well.

Ile strike, and cry, Take all.

Well said, come on:
Call forth my Houshold Seruants, lets to night
Enter 3 or 4 Seruitors.
Be bounteous at our Meale. Giue me thy hand,
Thou hast bin rightly honest, so hast thou,
Thou, and thou, and thou: you haue seru'd me well,
And Kings haue beene your fellowes.

What meanes this?

'Tis one of those odde tricks which sorow shoots
Out of the minde.

And thou art honest too:
I wish I could be made so many men,
And all of you clapt vp together, in
An Anthony: that I might do you seruice,
So good as you haue done.

The Gods forbid.

Well, my good Fellowes, wait on me to night:
Scant not my Cups, and make as much of me
Note: An ink mark follows the end of this line.
As when mine Empire was your Fellow too,
And suffer'd my command.

What does he meane?

To make his Followers weepe.

Tend me to night;
May be, it is the period of your duty,
Haply you shall not see me more, or if,
A mangled shadow. Perchance to morrow,
You'l serue another Master. I looke on you,
As one that takes his leaue. Mine honest Friends,
I turne you not away, but like a Master
Married to your good seruice, stay till death:
Tend me to night two houres, I aske no more,
And the Gods yeeld you for't.

What meane you (Sir)
To giue them this discomfort? Looke they weepe,
And I an Asse, am Onyon-ey'd; for shame,
Transforme vs not to women.

Ho, ho, ho:
Now the Witch take me, if I meant it thus.
Grace grow where those drops fall (my hearty Friends)
You take me in too dolorous a sense,
For I spake to you for your comfort, did desire you
To burne this night with Torches: Know (my hearts)
I hope well of to morrow, and will leade you,
Where rather Ile expect victorious life,
Then death, and Honor. Let's to Supper, come,
Exeunt.And drowne consideration.