3869958Sonshi — TopographyEverard Ferguson CalthropSunzi


Son the Master said:—

With regard to the different natures of ground there are:—

Open ground; enveloped ground; suspended ground; defiles; precipices; far countries.

Open ground is that where either side has liberty of movement : be quick to occupy any high ground in the neighbourhood and consider well the line of supplies.

Hanging ground. Advance is easy, but retreat from it is difficult. Here, if the enemy is not prepared, we may win: but should he be prepared; and defeat us; and retreat be impossible; then there is disaster.

Suspended ground. The side that takes the initiative is under a disadvantage. Here, if the enemy offer some allurement, we should not advance: but rather, by feigning retreat wait until he has put forth half his force. Then we may attack him with advantage.

Defiles, make haste to occupy; garrison strongly and await the enemy.

Should the enemy be before you, and in strength, do not engage him: but if he has not prepared the position attack him.

In precipitous ground quickly occupy a position on a sunny height, and await the enemy. If the enemy should be before you, withdraw and do not attack him.

If distant, and separated from the enemy, and the forces are equal, to take the initiative is disadvantageous.

Now, these are the six kinds of ground. Generals in responsible positions must study them in their various relations.

Again, there are six calamities; arising, not from defect of ground, or lack of opportunity ; but from the general’s incapacity.

These are: repulse; relaxation; distress; disorganisation; confusion; and rout.

If troops are sent to attack an enemy of equal quality, but ten times their number, they retire discomfited.

Strong soldiers with weak under officers, cause relaxation.

Able officers with feeble soldiers cause distress.

Enraged senior officers, who take the law into their own hands because the general cannot appreciate their ability, produce disorganisation.

Weak and amiable generals, whose directions and leadership are vague; whose officer’s and men’s duties are not fixed; and whose disposition of troops are contradictory; produce confusion.

Generals, ignorant of the enemy, who oppose small numbers to large; weakness to strength; and who do not put picked men in the van of the army; cause it to be routed. These six things lead to defeat. It is the duty of the general to study them carefully.

Topography has an important bearing on war.

Knowledge of the enemy; proper calculation of chances of victory; an eye for steepness, command and distances; these are the essentials of the good general.

He who understands the application of these principles, conquers; he who understands them not, is defeated.

If victory is certain from the military standpoint, fight, even if the Lord forbids.

If defeat is certain from the military standpoint, do not fight, even though the Lord commands it.

The general, who advances, from no thought of his own glory, or retires, regardless of punishment ; but merely strives for the peoples welfare, and his Lord’s advantage, is a treasure to the state.

The good general cares for his soldiers, and lovingly treats them as his children; as a consequence they follow him through deep valleys, and are with him in death.

Nevertheless, overcare for the soldiers may cause disobedience; overattention may make them unserviceable; overindulgence may produce disorder: they become like spoilt children, and cannot be used.

He who is confident of his own men, but is ignorant that the enemy should not be attacked, has no certainty of victory.

He who knows that the enemy may be attacked with advantage, but knows not that his own men are incompetent, has no certainty of victory.

Confidence in the troops, right judgment when to attack the enemy, but improper appreciation of terrain, bring uncertain victory.

The wise soldier, once in motion, does not waver, and is never at a loss.

As has been said; "Know thyself; know the enemy ; fear not for victory."

Also, if the season and the opportunity be realised, and the ground known, complete victory is certain.