The Aborigines of Victoria and Riverina/Vocabulary


English Aboriginal
Ancestor Ngamalloroie
Aunt Koingeroo
Air Bokie
Ashes Boonie
Autumn Weat
Animal Burbagooan
Acid Kiryie
Active Katkira
Awake Bukoya
Asleep Wopia
Ask Kuliya
And Nga
Bachelor Wenkie
Boy Piankoo
Brother, if older Wawoo, but if
Younger Palaroo
Brother-in-Law Weeie
Brood Mooroongalloo
Body Piankangoora
Back Warmoo
Brain Mirkpoorpoo
Blood Coorcoo
Bowels Muntermunter Coonangin
Blister Kertenkertenen
Blow Lurka
Branch Kurnenen
Bark Moorium
Bee Morengomie
Bird Joejiwert
Boomerang Wannie
Boat Eunkoie
Big Koorongandoo
Bald Birrawil
Bad Wiekeroo
Brave Kitcherkwa
Blind Mokin
Bleareyed Nimnimkoor
Bitten Ngombie
Blunt Mortoo
Beat Lurka
Bend Purtanie
Bite Boondan
Bleed Kertrow
Boil Thalourda
Break Bookoin
Bring Wywa
Bring Forth Young Nycalamoom
Blow, as the Wind Booronka
Build Poorpa
Burn Nunga
Bury Turntungoo
Child (masculine) Poopoop
Child (feminine) Poopoopcour
Cousin Winagoomoo
Children Pienkumboola
Childlessness Watty Pinkoo
Corpse Koimabil
Cheeks Tercoo
Chin Poorpuganingin
Chest Tungoo
Calf (of the leg) Poorawoo
Cat Koortowa
Cloud Moornkie
Calm Tycherry
Cold Mirrinewma
Comet Terariwil
Country Ngerringitamgie
Creek Paunoobarnawar
Chain of Ponds Woondung Woondung
Cockatoo, yellow topknot Kerangie
Major Mitchel's Gellela
"restless pink eyes Kurter
"slate colour, crimson breast and crest Willick Willick
"black-red crest and tail ... Teherin
"black-yellow crest and tail Wirranie
Crow (carrion) Wangie
"(gregarious, and not carrion) Warangan
Claw Ginalapoo
Club Pinpinbyganingie
Cowardly Bambin
Cruel Kooly Wootchoo
Cripple Ngarpa
Call Kurnda
Camp Toorangie
Carry Walliya
Catch Kurka
Climb Werwa
Come Yanga
Comeback Wirtoowa
Cook Buka
Cry Toomla
Cut (verb) Galpoona
Cure Pipagira
Daughter Munkie
Daughter-in-Law Methcoorie
Double Teeth Wirpleangin
Dog Wirrangin
Duck, black Tarnawar
"with fringe round bill Ngananganie
"teal Berner
"wood Ngernie
"mountain ... Nynkoornel
"whistling ... Wotchor
"the tribe generisly Tartamung
Down Wawalloo
Deaf Nurtulabil
Dame Wirrewa
Dewy Doordooroo
Die Birra
Dig Bunga
Dine Boortoin
Divorce Yerrin
Do Ngunkoie
Drag Leampoo
Dream Yoe Yoe
Drink Kopoe
Enemy Cartpercartpie
Eye Mirnoo
Eyelash Wirringcoomirnoo
Eyelid Wirtmirnoo
Eyeball Wirtenmirnoo
Ear Wirrumbool
Ear, love of Moomwirrumbool
Evening Borangie
East Kurter
Earth Tungie
Eagle Wirpill
Emu Kurwingie
Empty Lathoo
Eat Jakla
Evacuate (i.e., fears) Koonangin
Ever Poorpooangan
Father Mamoo
Father-in-Law Ganthangathoo
Family Kirtapinkangoewoo
Friend Murnunyetic
Female, or Mother Baboo
Forehead Kinninew
Face Tehampamirnoo
Front Teeth Teangin
Forearm Ngurnoonginoowo
Finger Ngarringoor
Fist Milpa
Foot Chinnanew
Foot, sole of Kellychinnanew
Flesh Piankie
Fall Boikin
Fog Cowangie
Frost Tennangin
Flood Bongeroo
Fire Warnowie
Flower Peetchan
Fruit Chirinew
Fish (verb) Tiherael
Fly (noun) Pitie
Frog Neenie
Feather Weertinew
Fin Wernawoo
Flock Ngullanguloo
Few Ngimmananima
Far Weryie
Fat Piangwil
Far-sighted Werimirnoo
Fast Kerky Perting
Full Wawyn
Fresh Tangeroo
Fight Thalcherung
Fish (noun) Bundgell
Float Chipa
Fly (verb) Pika
Grandfather Cockernoo
Grandmother Cokinew
Guest Wirker
Gum (belonging to teeth) Boollorotakin
Gum (of a tree) Kookoie
Grass Woolnkie
Goose Ngakie
Grey Poolaroo
Good Talko
Go Yanawoo
Get Manin
Give Woekie
Husband Murtoomé
Hast Cokwawy
Head Poorpie
Hearing Derbima
Hair Ngarranew
Hand Murnanew
Hand, back of Wirtmurnanew
Hip Moollonew
Heel Kunowoo
Heart Monredoo
Hail (noun) Pertowie
Heat Mypantenie
Hill Poorpoo
Hawk Pirwie
High Kirkarra
Handsome Banie
Hard Terma
Hurt Toowa
Healthy Booringer
Hungry Birra Wotchowoo
He Keelo
His Kaykoonga
Him Kaykunga
Himself Noonyiugum
Herself Kiurnin
Hang Pir toowa
Hate Kimowan
Hear Derbimin
Hold Tismaloonga
Hunt Kerraworidoolie
Here Kima
Infant Neillumoom
Ice Taán
Insects Thoulum
(This name is applied to all insects having wings; those that creep are Bulla Bul).
I (personal pronoun) Yetty
Itself Yelliwooroo
Instep Witchinanew
Jaw Kentenolurkin
Joint Boondomboondomoo
Knee Pirtinew
Kneecap Nganipertinew
Kangaroo Kooiangie
Kick Kima
Kill Sulkinuan
Kiss Boondartarkow
Knot and Tie Pirty Jeriming
Know Nineawa
Lungs Lango
Liver Boetho
Lightning Millagoo
Light Yanna
Lizard (sleeping) Wallup
"(small fly catcher) Turamunder
"(fril) Kentie
"(with indimentary legs) Eukoon
Laughing Jackass Koeworie
Less Enwgatum
Large Murpur
Long Toorangal
Low Koomoowal
Load Wirtoo
Low-sounding Ngoomblngoomble
Lazy Eval
Lame, in leg Ngarpenngwngimgie
Lame, in arm Tutchatartow
Lame, in hand Tutchamurnangin
Lame, in foot Tutchachinangin
Laugh Weeia
Leave off, or behind Watha
Lift Wiewa
Live Kinaroongaiva
Lose Willain
"the Way Willainiebirrie
Love Koombooboko
Man Wortongie
Mother Baboo
Mother-in-Law Mankooroongoo
Marriage Ngangkulung
Male Mammoo
('Twill be seen that this is the same as father.)
Mouth Wooronew
Moustache Moiyonworo
Matter Potchonie
Moon Mittian
Meteor Putchema
Morning Murmurnerp
Mountain Bankool
More Tummoo
My Yanaiyow
Me Yetty
(This, 'twill be seen, is the same as the personal pronoun I.)
Myself Nukioo
Marry Woyinmurtoomie
Make Waramie
Milk Kayaniea Koorumboo
Nephew Neunungipie
Niell Tchowilkoorie
Nose Tchainchew
Nostril Wotchootchainchew
Neck Koorndoo
Nail Lyreomurnangin
Nuckle Yerywa
Noise Ngoomblengoombloo
Night Kuralie
North Moiwellak
Nest Soinoo
None Biratha
Near Walowal
Near-sighted Walowalamirnoo
Never Noongan
No Watty
Old Ngarumbin
(This term is applied to any old man, animal, or tree.)
Old Woman Gallour
Opossum Willengie
Owl Wirmal
Oar Warkie
One Kyup
One-eyed Kyupmirnoo
Our Ngallathong
Palm of Hand Longmarnangin
Planet Nginawoomurmurnerp
Plain Wurkie
Privates (male) Bonanabacurroot
"(female) Bottoo
Parrot Koorankooran
Pigeon Tuppie
Pelican Pirtangal
Plover Perit Perit
Pair Politeula
Pleasant Smelling Jirywotchoo
"Tasting Purtnema
Play Wara
Pluck Kirpa
Pour Kangala
Puke Kurma
Pull Sutha
Push Eurawa
Plant Moorndie
Quail Boorongie
Quick Lyrka
Quench Boetkna
Race Tongeroondie
Rain Mirtie
Root Ngaryalloo
Rough Kerrinkerrinoo
Raise (See Lift)
Rise Pikie
Run Wirrwie
River Barniwarroo
Stepfather Kerumkerum Mamoo
Son Wirtoowoo
Son-in-Law (See Stepfather)
Step-son Kerumkerumwertwoo
Sister Meanie
Sister-in-law Woengirie
Step-sister Jerykoorie
Shoulder Tchertirioo
Stomach Mittoo
Skin Meetchoo
Swelling Wawya
Sky Tyrrily
Sound Kulliar
Speak Boolangboolang
Smoke Pooringi
Sun Nowie
Star Toortie
Spring Bakiootbakiootoo
Summer Kurtie
Sunset Boortowennowie
South Tchalan
Shrub (See Plant)
Stem Poorwallangoo
Seed Wirtiwoo
Sap Nillangow
Sea Ngamuth
Spring of Water Merkin
Swamp Totoieil
Snake Kannie
Sinew Wiranew
Swan Koonoowar
Snipe Quambalith
Sting Koolinew
Shield Murcur
Spear Ptacumbicoinew
Small Pawnoo
Short Toloneu
Steep Pillingaloo
Strong Wonkoowie
Squinting Wornmer
Stinking Boangie
Salt Cowie
Sweet Wootchawootha
Sharp of Hearing Derbimatungie
Silent Koorgia
Soft Polkoo
Sharp Katie
Slow Yarmbie
Sore Wirpoo
Sore Head Wiromapoorp
Sore Chest Wirom Tungie
Sore Belly Wirom Wotchowoo
Sick Murranmurrinie
She Koorgerung
Scratch (See Dig)
Scream (See Call)
See Nanga
Sew Tirringa
Shake (See Push)
Sleep Koomba
Sit Nganya
Sing Warranga
Shout (See Call)
Smell Ngarwa
Speak Werriea
Stand Jerry
Start Toongka
Steal Pagn
Strip Booroloo
Swim Weeria
Temples Kinnimiroo
Tears Mirnooakayanie
Taste Purtama
Throat Tehackoorndoo
Thigh Kerrywoo
Toe (great) Bahchinangin
Thaw Boria
Thunder Munder
To-morrow Morning Murmurnerpoo
Teal Duck Berner
Tail Westmoomoo
Tame Loywill
Tender Poorpoogoonyen
Tough Ternma
Thirsty Konema
Tired Mikapinkoo
They Wirriwa
Take Manna
Taste Purtuma
Think Derheima
Threaten Koorngie
Throw Moorooma
Thrust (See Push)
Touch Punnia
There Kio
Uncle Werpooiomamoo
Ugly Wonkoorwil
Unkind Nullungie
Virgin Mulkoor
Valley Doomdoomo
Vegetables Moornalhakumie
Widower Loorkoolahill
Woman Lyoor
Wife Murtoomie
Widow Tungoor
Whiskers and Beard Ngenninew
Wrist Markmurnangin
Wound Wirpii
Wind Willangie
West Tchaloop
Water Kayanie
Waterhole, or Well Yallum
Wing Kerrytartow
Weapons Terkill
Weak Dertindertine
Wild Wilker
Warm Nunga
We Kinniathouna
Walk Yaiia
Wash Purta
Weep (See Cry)
Whistle Wirta
Winter Myangie
Young Man Kolkurn
"Woman Mooroongoor
"Bird Wirtiwood
Young Ngerriwoo
You Nginma
Your Kinyie
Yes Iya




 3—Polite Kyup.

 4—Polite Polite.

 5—Kyup Murnangin (or one hand).

 6—Polite Polite Polite.

 7—Polite Polite Polite Kyup.

 8—Polite Polite Polite Polite.

 9—Polite Polite Polite Polite Kyup.

10—Polite Murnangin (or two hands).


Yetty Wirwie Melbourne Kurrawillow,
I went (to) Melbourne yesterday,
nga keelynowie wirtoowa kimma,
and to-day came back here.
Yetty nine willker wirangin jakla
I saw (a) wild dog eating
talko koorangie keelynowie.
(a) good kangaroo to-day.
Watty kayanie jerry yallum.
No water lies (in the) well.
Kooronando Nowie kopa.
(the) great (has) drank (it).
Wilker wirangin boondan kingie
(a) wild dog (did) bite your
kaatle kurawillow, yetty nine
sheep yesterday, I saw (him).
Kingie murtoomoo banie.
Your sweetheart (is) handsome.
Nginma warramie warnowie.
You make (a) fire.
Kinniathouma nine polite polite kannie.
We saw four snakes.
Keeloo bokoin kaykoonga tertow.
He broke his arm.
Nerteroo? Keelynowie. Wintya? Boorongie.
When? To-day? Where? (in the) scrub

Ngallathong Mamoo jerry Tyrrily.
Our Father (that) lies (in) Heaven,
talko kingie nirrinew, kingie weeia
good (be) your name, your smile
yunga kimma; kingie ngamga
come here, your wishes
lurka kimma tungu, ngooly
(be) made here (on) earth as
Tyrrily; woeka ngallathong hernimie
(in) Heaven, give us bread
keelynowie, nga yakna ngallathong
to-day, and take away our
wickeroo warra, ngooly kinniathouma
bad deeds as we
yakno wickeroo warra neardoo
take away (the) bad deeds (of) others
nga tinda ngelletchie watty harrie
and lead us not (in the) road
wickeroo warra, nga yakna yethong
(of) bad deeds, and take away evil
derbimin tolking in, nginma kirtowel
thoughts altogether. You (are) thousand
kertowel wonkeroo
thousand powerful.