The Book of Scottish Song/Good night and joy

2385805The Book of Scottish Song — Good night and joy1843

Good night and joy.

[James Hogg.]

The year is wearin' to the wane,
An' day is fadin' west awa',
Loud raves the torrent an' the rain,
An' dark the cloud comes down the shaw
But let the tempest tout an' blaw,
Upon his loudest winter horn,
Good night an' joy be wi' you a',
We'll maybe meet again the morn.

O we ha'e wander'd far an' wide,
O'er Scotia's land of firth an' fell,
An' mony a simple flower we've cull'd,
An' twined them wi' the heather-bell:
We've ranged the dingle an' the dell,
The hamlet an' the baron's ha',
Now let us tak' a kind farewell,
Good night an' joy be wi' you a'!

Ye ha'e been kind as I was keen,
An' follow'd where I led the way,
Till ilka poet's lore we've seen
Of this an' mony a former day.
If e'er I led your steps astray,
Forgi'e your minstrel ance for a';
A tear fa's wi' his parting lay—
Good night an' joy be wi' you a'!