The Cambridge Carol Book/The Mirrour of the Father's face

4370527The Cambridge Carol Book — The Mirrour of the Father's face1924George Ratcliffe Woodward


1.The Mirrour of the Father's face
Darkness from the world gan chase
When, as mortal vested
God was manifested.
Wherefore, Christens, up and sing
To Jesus Christ, of heaven King.
God is born, go meet Him,
And with carol greet Him.

2.The Maid hath borne the Holy One,
God the Father's only Son,
Of His great compassion,
Found in human fashion.
Wherefore, Churchmen, sing for joy,
And, leal to Mary's gentle Boy,
Keep His birthday yearly,
Loving Him sincerely.

3.He lieth in a crib of tree,
Altogether lovely He:
Holy, Strong, Immortal,
Key to David's portal.
Wherefore, masters, be not sad,
When Christmas biddeth men be glad,
But with voice canorous
Swell the Seraph-chorus.