The Condor/Volume 1/Number 3/Official Minutes of Southern Division

3963183The Condor, Volume 1, Number 3 — Official Minutes of Southern Division
By Howard Robertson

Official Minutes of Southern Division.


The Division met at the residence of Mr. Chas. E. Grosbeck in Altadens March 25, with Messrs. Doggert, Schneider, McCormick, Grosbeck, Simmons and Robertson present. Previous minutes were approved. A bill for 90 cents was allowed the secretary. A bill for $1.25 for typewriting MS. was referred to both Divisions for payment. The name of Mr. Geo. S. Chainbliss of Pasadena was proposed for membership. The matter of having a club crest as proposed by Mr. Emerson was adopted, the style, size etc. being left to be decided on by the President and Secretary after curresponding with the Northern Division. Adjourned.


The meeting of the Southern Division was held at the residence of Mr. F. S. Doggert. in Pasadena April 29 with the following members present: Messrs. Reiser, Tyler, Doggert, Leland, McCormick and Robertson. Mr. Fordyce Grinnell and Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Moody were present as visitors. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved. A bill for $1.25 for typewriting was ordered paid. Mr. Geo. S. Chainbliss of Pasadena was elected to membership. The names of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Moody of Pasadena were proposed for membership. Adjourned.Howard Robertson, Division Sec'y.