Edition of 1920. See also Locofocos on Wikipedia, and the disclaimer.

1343497The Encyclopedia Americana — Locofoco

LOCOFOCO, formerly a familiar name for a member of the Democratic party; applied especially to the radical or equal rights section of that party, because at a meeting in Tammany Hall, New York, on 29 Oct. 1835, in which there was great diversity of sentiment, the chairman left his seat, and the lights were extinguished, with a view to dissolving the meeting; when those in favor of extreme measures produced loco-foco matches — then a comparatively recent invention, rekindled the lights, continued the meeting, and accomplished their object. (See Democratic Party). Consult Byrdsall, F., ‘History of the Loco-Foco Party’ (New York 1842); Alexander, De A. S., ‘Political History of the State of New York’ (Vol. II, New York 1906); Woodburn, J. A., ‘Political Parties and Party Problems in the United States’ (2d ed., ib., 1914).