The Handsome cobler, or, The father outwitted (1802)/A Cann of Grog


WHEN up the ſhrouds the ſailor goes,
and ventures on the yard,
The landman he who better knows,
believes his lot is hard;
Bold Jack with ſmiles each danger meets,
weighs anchor, heaves the log,
Trims all the ſails, belays the ſheets,
and drinks his cann of grog. Bold Jack,etc.

If to engage they give the word,
to quarters he'll repair.
Now ſinking in the diſmal flood,
now quivering in the air:
Bold Jack with ſmiles each danger meets,
weighs anchor, heaves the log,
Trims all his ſails, belays the ſheets,
and drinks his cann of grog. Bold Jack, etc.

When waves 'gainſt rocks & quick ſands roar,
you ne'er bear him repine.
Though he's on Greenland's icy ſhore,
or burning on the line:
Bold Jack with ſmiles each danger meets,
weighs anchor, heaves the log,
Trims all the ſails, belays the ſheets.
and drinks his cann of grog. Bold jack,etc.