The Most Ancient Lives of Saint Patrick/The Life and Acts of St. Patrick/Chapter 166

The Most Ancient Lives of Saint Patrick
by James O'Leary
The Life and Acts of St. Patrick by Jocelin, translated by Edmund L. Swift
Chapter CLXVI: At the Direction of the Angels Saint Patrick goeth unto Rome
180196The Most Ancient Lives of Saint PatrickThe Life and Acts of St. Patrick by Jocelin, translated by Edmund L. Swift
Chapter CLXVI: At the Direction of the Angels Saint Patrick goeth unto Rome
James O'Leary

At the Direction of the Angels Saint Patrick goeth unto Rome.

And the angel of the Lord appearing unto Patrick, approved the purpose of his journey, and showed him that the Pope would bestow and divide among many churches the relics of the Apostles Peter and Paul, and of many saints. And as carriages were haply then wanting unto him, the angels provided him with four chariots, as if sent from heaven, the which conveyed him and his people unto the sea-side. Then the glorified prelate Patrick; after that the urgency of his laborious preaching was finished, and the abundance of so many and so great miracles had converted the whole island, blessed and bade farewell to the several bishops and presbyters and other members of the church whom he had ordained: and with certain of his disciples, led by his angelic guide, he sailed toward Rome. Whither arriving, while in the presence of the supreme pontiff he declared the cause of his coming, supreme favor he found in his eyes; for, embracing and acknowledging him as the apostle of Hibernia, he decorated the saint with the pall, and appointing him his legate, by his authority confirmed whatsoever Patrick had done, appointed or disposed therein. And many parting presents, and precious gifts, which pertained unto the beauty, nay, unto the strength of the church, did the Pope bestow on him; where-among were certain relics of the Apostles Peter and Paul, and of Stephen the proto-martyr, and of many other martyrs; and moreover, gave he unto the saint a linen cloth, which was marked with the blood of our Lord the Saviour Jesus Christ. Gift excelling all other gifts! And with these most holy honors the saint being returned unto Hibernia, fortified therewith this metropolitan church of Ardmachia (unto the salvation of souls and the safety of the whole nation), and reposited them in a chest behind the great altar. And in that church even from the time of Saint Patrick the custom obtained that on the days of the Passover and of the Pentecost these relics should be thereout produced, and venerated in the presence of the people.