2153025The New Student's Reference Work — Fiske, John


Fiske, John, an American author and historian, was born March 30, 1842, at Hartford, Conn. Graduating from Harvard in 1863, he became known as a deep thinker and forcible writer. In 1861 he made his mark with a notable critique on the fallacies in Buckle's history of English civilization. From 1869 to 1879 he was at Harvard, first as a brilliant lecturer on philosophy, then as assistant-librarian. The earlier recognition of him was chiefly of the expounder of evolutionary philosophy, and his lucidity in popularizing Spencer was admired by Darwin. After 1879 he devoted himself chiefly to American history, though his Idea of God (1885), Origin of Evil and Through Nature to God gave his last answers to questions in philosophy and religion. His histories extend from the earliest discoveries to the beginnings of Federal government; cover almost every phase of American life; and have dramatic interest as well as great historical value. As a lecturer and writer on philosophy and history, he took high rank among American authors, while he did much to elucidate and popularize the doctrine of evolution. Among his works are The Destiny of Man; Outlines of Cosmic Philosophy; American Political Ideas; The Discovery of America; The Beginnings of New England; Civil Government in the United States; The American Revolution; Old Virginia and Her Neighbors; and The Dutch and Quaker Colonies in America. He died at Gloucester, Mass., July 4, 1901.