The New Student's Reference Work/Nyasaland

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Nyasaland (nē-äs′ sä-lănd), the name given to a British Central Africa protectorate, the country lying immediately south, west and northwest of Lake Nyasa, in East Africa.  Its area is 40,980 square miles, population about 1,000,000 natives and nearly 700 Europeans.  It has no outside boundaries, but is the region in which the African Lakes company of Glasgow operates in connection with the missionaries of the Church of Scotland, with principal stations at Blantyre and Bandawe.  Nine missions are at work, and over 60,000 natives are at school.  The company and mission stations were founded on the recommendation of Dr. Livingstone to check the Arab slave trade.  It is now under the administration of the British foreign office, by a resident commissioner.  Its products are rice, coffee, rubber, ivory and cotton.  The capital is Zomba.  Some trouble was caused in 1888–90 by the claim of sovereignty made by Portugal; but the sphere of the Portuguese Nyasa company, with a charter from the Portuguese crown, is the region between the Rovuma, Lake Nyasa and the Lurio.  There are steamers on the lake and on Shiré River, two railways, telegraphs and 23 postoffices.  See Central Africa Protectorate.