The Part Taken by Women in American History/Jewish Women's Work for Charity

Jewish Women's Work for Charity.

Theodore Roosevelt once paid the following tribute to Jewish citizenship:

"I am glad to be able to say that, while the Jews of the United States, who now number more than a million, have remained loyal to their faith and their race traditions, they have become indissolubly incorporated in the great army of American citizenship, prepared to make all sacrifices for the country either in war or peace, striving for the perpetuation of good government and for the maintenance of the principles embodied in our constitution. They are honorably distinguished by their industry, their obedience to law, and their devotion to the national welfare."

And Simon Wolf, in his notable volume, "The American Jew, as Patriot, Soldier and Citizen" gives the names of nearly eight thousand Jews who served, on both sides, in the Civil War. It is after all in the grand fabric of Jewish charity, whose broad expanse extends throughout the land, that the Jewish people and pre-eminently the women, have been able to prove themselves patriots and worthy citizens. Indeed in the field of philanthopic efforts the Jewish citizens of America may unhesitatingly claim to have built for themselves monuments more numerous and larger by far than their proportionate share, and their forces have been directed not to saving souls by a chance or creed but by bettering the conditions of human existence. The ideal of the Jewish religion—the universal fatherhood of God and the direct responsibility of every human being to the Maker of all—has steadfastly been upheld. But in the Jewish charity, as in such work under the direction of no other religious body, its forces have not been exerted in striving to make good the seeming shortcoming of the divine nature, but in striving to make good the essential shortcomings of our human nature, by alleviating the distresses arising from the constitution of society and by lessening the sufferings that are inevitably incident to the conditions of life. To this end the American Jewish citizens have organized a widely diversified system of relief for the sick and needy, and while so doing have not restricted their efforts within denominational bounds but have opened their doors and stretched out their hands towards all humanity. And not alone in dealing with conditions that are inseparable from the social system, but also in dealing with such as are removable, in educating and lifting up those of the community who are in need of fostering care and in furthering the spread of intelligence, have the Jewish women been unceasingly active in their charitable organizations.

Moreover, it was remarked in the recent political campaign of the Jewish voters, "Their quiet critical analysis of political nostrums is most disheartening to the district leaders of Tammany Hall," and the Jewish women in their careful investigation, their sound sense and their zeal to instill and foster independence in every invidual should be an inspiration and not a discouragement to the women of wealth and careless thought who rush into hysterical benevolence.

How efficient the efforts of these Jewish charity workers has been is amply demonstrated by a glance at public charitable institutions. In the House of Refuge on Randall's Island there were found, according to a recent official report, only two hundred and sixty Jewish boys and girls. In the Juvenile Asylum there were two hundred and sixty-two Jewish children under sixteen years of age committed for various mis-demeanors. Compared with the entire Jewish population of New York City this number is insignificant, and the ratio will probably be found to be considerably lower than in the general population. Furthermore, the records of the department of charities in the city of New York showed that out of the Jewish population approximating seven hundred thousand in greater New York, in the almshouse in Blackwell's Island there were only twenty-six pauper Jews, of whom the majority were blind, idiotic, or possessed of some peculiar defect, which prevented admission to existing Jewish charitable institutions.

And there is no indiscriminate alms-giving among Jewish charity workers. The work of the United Hebrew Charities of New York is typical of similar Jewish organizations throughout the United States, and it is organized and run as accurately and scrupulously as any large business house. It is in their auxiliaries to these organizations that the Jewish women have accomplished a work which richly deserves mention in an account of what women are doing for America's welfare. The sisterhoods in various districts co-operate with the United Hebrew Charities. They give material relief, have developed day nurseries, kindergartens, clubs and classes of various kinds, employment bureaus, mothers' meetings and in fact have become social centers for the poor of their neighborhoods. Since a large percentage of the distress which is met with is occasioned by illness, medical relief of all kinds has been organized, each district as a rule, having its physician and its nurse.

The Home for Aged and Infirm at Yonkers, New York, is managed by well-known philanthropists but all the kitchen utensils, linen and all household articles are provided by a Ladies' Auxiliary Society composed of twelve hundred members.

Of all the problems which confront the average charity

organization, possibly the most perplexing is the one of the family where the mother must be wage earner. The kindergarten and the day nursery have done something to solve the problem, but the Chicago Women's Aid, an organization of Jewish women for literary and philanthropic purposes, has thrown much light on the most creditable way of helping these women. This society has for three seasons supported a workroom for women. The workroom is in charge of a paid superintendent but the members of the society take an active part in the executive and personal service departments. Work is provided for about five months each year during the winter, and the rooms are within walking distance of Hull House, thus being convenient for women who wish to leave their young children at the Hull House Day Nursery. The hours are from nine a. m. to twelve m. and from one to four p. m. The superintendent is assisted by one permanently employed cutter and several who work part of the time. In extreme cases work is supplied at home, but it is preferred to have the women come to the workroom. All sorts of garments are made, the workers receiving seventy-five cents a day. The beneficiaries of the workroom are such women as would ordinarily be entitled to the benefits of relief societies, especially the United Hebrew Charities, but in this way, by requiring them to give at least a partial equivalent for what they get, their self-respect is retained even though the charities are in reality helping them. It has proved far superior to the old-time method of unconditional giving, tending to keep them away from relief agencies and is in many ways a most wholesome substitute for alms. It gives those who ordinarily spend their days in dingy unclean tenements an opportunity to leave the crowded quarters for seven hours a day, to breathe purer air, to learn the value of cleanliness, and to live in an atmosphere of cheerfulness and refinement. And this is far from being the only successful experiment by the Jewish women of America.

In Philadelphia, besides the main bureau of the United Hebrew Charities, various organizations of women have been formed as auxiliary to the United Charity, such as the Ladies' Auxiliary Committee, the Ladies' Volunteer Visiting Committee, and the Personal Interests Society, whose activity has aided to a great degree in mitigating the suffering among the Russian Jews. Another of the older charities of Philadelphia, the Esrath Mashim, or Helping Women, is to be noted in this regard. This society was organized in 1873 in aid of lying-in women at their homes, and after the year 1882 devoted its effort chiefly to the needs of the refugee immigrants from Russia. In 1891 the demands on this charity as on all others grew beyond the confines of the organization, and the society was reorganized as the Jewish Maternity Association, establishing a hospital known as the Maternity Home, which has grown to be one of the large charitable institutions. A training school for nurses was added in 1901, and at the same time a branch of the work inaugurated at Atlantic City as the Jewish Seaside Home for invalid mothers and children. This splendid work has enlarged immensely in the more recent years. In Philadelphia, too, we find a loan society conducted by Jewish women, which makes loans without interest to deserving persons in amounts of from five dollars to twenty-five dollars, repayable in installments.

So we find in every city these evidences of the intense vitality of the Jewish women's spirit for uplifting unfortunates. We find Jewish women on the committees for improved housing in the congested sections of our cities. We find Jewish women serving on the boards of trade schools, figuring in the organization of bureaus and federations of the United Hebrew Charities, opening public baths for the poor and investigating tirelessly the conditions of health and sanitation among them. It is with great regret that we are obliged to curtail the list of individual endeavor, for certainly many of the names of the Jewish women of America belong on the honor roll of her womanhood:

There is Mrs. Joseph Pulitzer, a niece of Jefferson Davis, whose benevolences are famed; Kate Levy, well-known worker for health and sanitation in Chicago; Henrietta Szold, secretary of the Jewish Publishing Society of America, with others too numerous to mention.


The splendid work done by Miss American should be the pride not only of her own race, but of all American women. She was born in Chicago, March 3, 1862, and educated in the public schools of that city. She has been a frequent speaker at clubs and conventions on the subject in which she is so deeply interested, philanthropy, civic and educational subjects; has occupied the pulpits in synagogues and churches; was secretary of the Congress of Jewish Women at the World's Fair in 1893; one of the founders of the Council of Jewish Women, 1893, an organizer of many sections of this association, and its executive secretary in 1893; president of the New York section, Council of Jewish Women; speaker and delegate representing Council of Jewish Women at the International Congress of Women; also at the Atlanta Exposition, 1896; London, 1899, Speaker Vacation Schools; Berlin, 1904, Toronto, 1909, Speaker Playgrounds; Chairman of the Press Committee of Council of Jewish Women, 1899-1904. Jewish Societies: Was instrumental in the formation of the Jewish Study Society, 1899, and later in the formation of the Union of Jewish Women Workers, England. Assisted in the formation of the Bund Judischer Frauen, Berlin, 1904. Council of Women of the United States. Member of the Executive Committee of the Council of Women of the United States since 1898. Speaker Triennial Council of Women of the United States, 1895, 1898, 1902. Committee on Peace Propaganda, Council of Women of the United States, 1899-1904. Chairman Committee on Immigration and Emigration 1911. Federation of Women's Clubs. Speaker at Biennial of General Federation of Clubs, Denver, 1896. Member of Industrial Committee, New York State Federation of Women's Clubs, 1905. Speaker on Playgrounds at the General Federation of Women's Clubs, Boston, 1908. Woman's Municipal League. Director Woman's Municipal League New York City, 1901. Chairman of Woman's Municipal League Tenement House Committee, 1902-1903. Member Executive Committee Intermunicipal Association for Household Research, 1904. Consumers' League: Vice-president, 1898-1899 and director, 1899, Illinois Consumers' League. President of Consumers' League of New York State, 1901-1905. Member Executive Committee National Consumers' League, 1901-1906. Chicago Activities: Club Leader Maxwell Street Settlement, Chicago, 1894-1898. Teacher Sinai Temple Sunday School, Chicago, 1894-1899. Member Executive Committee, Civic Federation of Chicago, 1895-1899. Founder Vacation Schools, Chicago, 1896. President League for Religious Fellowship, Chicago, 1896. Founder and Chairman Permanent Vacation School and Playground Committee of Chicago Women's Clubs, 1896-1900. Member of Executive Committee of South Side District Bureau of Charities, Chicago, 1896-1899. Director Cook County League of Women's Clubs, 1897-1898. Member of committee in Chicago which drew and secured the passage of the Illinois Juvenile Court Law. Member of Executive Committee of Committee of One Hundred to revise laws regulating education in Illinois, 1897-1898. Member Executive Committee and one of the founders at the call of the Governor, Army and Navy League of Illinois during the Spanish-American War, 1898. National Association of Charities and Corrections. Speaker National Association of Charities and Corrections, 1895. Member of Committee on Neighborhood Improvement, National Association of Charities and Corrections, 1903. Playground Association of America: One of the founders of Playground Association of America. Member of Executive Committee and Secretary of Board of Directors. Chairman of Committee on Playgrounds in Institutions, 1908. Public Education Association: Member of Committee on night school and Social Centers, Public Education Associations, New York City, 1899-1903. National Educational Association: Member of Executive Committee, Department of Women's Organizations, 1907. Delegate to the National Education Association, Department of Superintendents, Washington, 1908. Delegate Department of Women's Organizations, National Educational Association, Washington, 1908. Delegate to Department of Women's Organizations, National Education Association, Cleveland, 1908 and Denver, 1909. International Congress on Tuberculosis: Delegate and speaker at the International Congress on Tuberculosis, Washington, 1908. Immigrant Aid: Member of Executive Committee of societies co-operating to secure United States' women inspectors to protect girls coming in first and second class cabins since 1903. Founder and chairman of the Committee on Immigrant Aid, Council of Jewish women. Publications: Reports of Council of Jewish Women. Articles on Vacation Schools and Playgrounds, among them two in the Journal of Sociology, University of Chicago, November, 1898, and January, 1899. Reports of Vacation Schools and Playground Committee, Chicago Woman's Club, 1897-1899. Plan of Work Committee on Immigrant Aid, Council of Jewish Women. Many fugitive lectures and articles on social subjects.

Miss American is particularly proud of founding the vacation schools and playgrounds in the city of Chicago. These, Colonel Parker of Chicago stated, "could hardly have gone forward without her; that the method and conduct was so unique he considered it epoch making in education." While vacation schools were first started on philanthropic lines in New York City, these schools in Chicago were purely educational, and were conducted under a Board of Education of the best educators and social service workers of that city, and this work has since been incorporated in the schools of Chicago. To-day vacation schools and playgrounds are common, but when Miss American started this work in 1897, in Chicago there was neither literature nor activity on the subject in the sense of its being a great movement and hers was really the pioneer work in this direction. One of the special features of these schools was that provision was made for the deaf, the dumb and the blind. A school for these unfortunates was conducted in a summer camp. In 1900, while Miss American and her mother were en route to New York to establish a home, she met with a severe railroad accident and since that time her health has been such that her activities and the great work that she has accomplished in these various lines has been conducted from her home. Miss American is at present greatly interested in vacation schools and welfare work for the blind, among the Jews in the city of New York and has organized a national association and work has been commenced in New York, Pittsburgh and Cincinnati. Another problem which has been forced upon her attention is the question of the care and provision for the Jewish immigrant girl and she has organized a committee on immigration aid which follows every Jewish immigrant girl who comes to this country, no matter what her destination and this has aroused a general interest in that of other immigrant girls which has been taken up by other philanthropic societies. Long before the white slave traffic appalled the country, Miss American had been doing work in the interest and protection and saving of these young women. She was a delegate to the International White Slave Convention and has been active in associations which are aiding the individual work and work done by the government in this question. Miss American attended the conference on children called by President Roosevelt and did splendid work in the interest of the illegitimate child. The Lakeview Home for wayward girls and unmarried mothers was founded by Miss American in the city of New York. The varied and important character of Miss American's charitable work has not received, thus far, the appreciation which it so justly deserves. In future generations, hundreds of thousands will enjoy the benefits of work of which she has been the initial spirit, and which never could have been brought to realization without her energy and ability.


Rose Sommerfield taught in the public schools of Baltimore from 1889 to 1899. Actively interested in the First Grade Teachers' Association, helping to shape its policy. Inaugurated the first Mothers' Meetings held in public schools of Baltimore. Interested in Jewish and non-Jewish philanthropic and educational institutions as a volunteer worker. Helped to organize the Daughters of Israel and the Baltimore Section of the Council of Jewish Women, being the first secretary of both organizations. Also a Day Nursery, First Jewish Working Girls Club and the Maccabeans, an association of men who interested themselves in work among Jewish boys. Organized a free Sabbath school for Jewish children. Principal of the elementary school of the Kitchen Garden Association, also of the evening school for adult immigrants. A director and assisted in organizing the Young Men's Hebrew Association of Baltimore. Taught Jewish Sabbath school. Helped to organize first home for Jewish working girls in the United States. Gave model lessons in Hebrew at the Summer Assembly Jewish Chautauqua. Also appointed critic of lessons given at first Summer Assembly. Wrote articles on "Truancy in Public Schools" for Maryland State Conference of Charities, "Charity Organization" for first Triennial of Council of Jewish Women, in which Federation of Charities was urged and a school of philanthropy advocated. "Homes for Working Girls" for National Conference of Jewish Charities meeting in Philadelphia and many articles on educational and philanthropic subjects. In 1899 went to New York and organized the Clara de Hirsch Home for Working Girls and its Trade Classes, also organized the Clara de Hirsch Home for Immigrant Girls, the Welcome House Settlement, the Model Employment Bureau, and helped to reorganize the Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society and the Virginia, a non-sectarian Working Girls Hotel. Was on the first committee of the Lakeview Home for Girls, chairman of the committee on philanthropy of the National Council of Jewish Women, secretary of the Monday Club of New York, vice-president of the Jewish Social Workers of New York, and secretary of the Jewish Social Workers, Section of the National Jewish Conference of Charities. Assisted in organizing the Wage Earner's Theatre League, and a member of its executive committee.


Miss Gratz was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, March 4, 1781, died in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, August 29, 1869. She was one of the most distinguished women of her day of the Jewish race in this country. She was one of a family of thirteen children ; her father Michael Gratz, a wealthy East India merchant, married Miriam, daughter of Joseph Simon, of Lancaster Pennsylvania, the best known and most respected Hebrew in the state. The names of Joseph Simon, Michael Gratz and Bernard Gratz, his brother, were signed to the "Non-importation Act," the forerunner of the Declaration of Independence which was drafted by Thomas Jefferson in the house then owned by the Gratz brothers. Their signatures with many others of the family may also be seen on the first list of seat holders (1782) of the Congregation Mikve Israel (Hope of Israel) one of the oldest Jewish Congregations in the United States. The Gratz home was the center of refinement, culture and hospitality, with the sweet Jewish setting of family affection. Washington Irving delighted "to roost in the big room." Henry Clay, Fanny Kemble and many others met there the best and most cultivated society of Philadelphia. Rebecca had every advantage of education and her friendships were largely among Christians. A most romantic and life-long attachment was formed with her beautiful schoolmate Maria Fenno. Though there were no railroads or steamboats in those days, intercourse by stage between New York and Philadelphia was frequent and upon one of these visits to the former city Maria married Judge Ogden Hoffman, a widower, and most accomplished gentleman with children older than herself. One, a young daughter, Matilda, was the only love of Washington Irving, who was then pretending to study law in her father's office, but Judge Hoffman did not approve of his suit and the lovers were very unhappy. Consumption developed in Matilda Hoffman and Rebecca Gratz and Washington Irving nursed the poor girl until her death. After this Irving went abroad, traveling extensively, he visited Abbotsford, and there told Scott the story of Rebecca Gratz, her personal charm, strength of mind and her steadfastness to her faith. She had a few years before this refused on account of her faith, to marry a young man who was considered a most suitable match, sacrificing her inclination to follow what she considered her duty. In 1817, when "Ivanhoe" was published Scott sent a copy to Irving saying, "How do you like your Rebecca now?" In 1817 the ladies of Philadelphia opened the first Philadelphia Orphan Asylum. Rebecca Gratz was chosen secretary and served in this capacity for forty-eight years. In 1835, when past the age when most people think their work is finished, she being then fifty-six years of age, she founded the first Sunday school for Jewish children, over which she presided for twenty-five years. This school, in the last year of her service, numbered four thousand pupils, it having opened with but five. In 1855 Miss Gratz started a Jewish Foster Home. Her long experience on the board of the Philadelphia Asylum enabled her to found the infant home, and though she lived to see it well established she could hardly anticipate its present usefulness as a modern institution. She was connected with every movement for bettering the condition of the poor and the sick of the city among her people. When the unfortunate Civil War occurred she was over eighty, but she stood firm and true to her country. Her one thought was for a united land with no North, no South, no East, no West. Rebecca Gratz lived long past the Psalmist's age, but she never lost her wonderful appearance, her charm of manner, her interest in good works, and above all, her devotion to the Jewish faith.


Miss Schoenfeld was born in Bellaire, Ohio, of German-Jewish parentage. Her father was born in Germany and migrated when a very young man to this country. Her mother was born in Frederick, Maryland, the daughter of German parents. When Miss Schoenfeld was a few months old her parents moved to Columbus, Ohio, and engaged in mercantile enterprises, but meeting with reverses, the family moved to Meadville, Pennsylvania, which was chosen for their home on account of its educational advantages. It was a college town with musical schools, where children could be given opportunities at a small cost. Miss Schoenfeld was graduated from the public schools of Meadville and entered Allegheny College in 1894, being graduated in 1897. She decided to study medicine and entered the Woman's Medical College at Toronto, Canada, but her father objecting to her being a professional woman she gave up her work. While at school in Toronto, the family moved to Johnstown, Pennsylvania. On Miss Schoenfeld's return, she was appealed to in the interest of the work for a settlement in the Jewish district in Pittsburgh and was requested to undertake the establishment of this institution. She was then but twenty-one years of age, but filled with a desire to work for others. She offered her services to those interested in the movement and the Columbian Council Settlement developed from this small beginning. After three years' residence at the settlement, which was located in the heart of the Ghetto, Miss Schoenfeld left on account of ill health and returned to Johnstown. This was in 1902. At this time Miss Schoenfeld organized the Civic Club of Johnstown. This being an industrial center, iron mills and mines have brought to the community thousands of foreigners, for whom her efforts were made.

The first work this club undertook was the establishment of the Juvenile Court. Miss Schoenfeld, during the first year, served as volunteer probation officer; she also helped in the establishment of vacation schools and playgrounds. Her successor at the Columbian settlement remained but a year and she was again called to serve in the work in Pittsburgh, where she remained a year. Later an opportunity offered to study vacation and amusement resources of working girls in New York City by the committee who had organized themselves for that purpose. In 1908 Miss Schoenfeld left for New York and as a result of her work there is in New York to-day the best legislation that has ever been enacted in regard to licensing and regulating dancing academies, public amusement parks, etc. In 1911 Miss Schoenfeld received her degree of M.A., from Columbia University. She has spent much time in the study of the immigrant question and its relation to the protection of girls in this country, and as secretary of the committee on immigrant aid of the Council of Jewish Women she has developed the protective bureau for girls. She has visited many cities, studying the work done in each along the lines of philanthropic and social endeavor; attended many conferences in this country and abroad. While in London in 1907, she made a close study of the Toynbee Hall and University Settlement. She has been an active worker on the state committee and state confederation of Women's Clubs, also in the Consumers' League and with other state and national organizations for the improvement of working conditions among women and children. She has written many articles for the press and addressed many of the prominent clubs of the country relative to the work in which she has been such a valuable worker and adviser. She is considered to-day one of the prominent women in the philanthropic work of our country and a valued representative of the able women of her race.


Simon Wolf gives in his "Jew as an American Citizen, Soldier and Patriot," the names of nearly eight thousand Jews in the Civil War. There has been made, unfortunately, no such muster of the Jewish women who have shown such public spirit for the good of American citizenship. But near the head of such a roll call would appear the name of Mrs. Annie Nathan Meyer, author and worker for the advancement of women. She was born in New York City in 1867, the daughter of Robert Weeks Nathan. She belongs to a prominent Jewish family and is a cousin of the late Emma Lazarus. She was educated at home in her childhood and afterward entered the School for Women, a branch at that time of Columbia College. She was one of the first to enter the women's course when it was opened in Columbia College in 1885, and eventually she became one of the founders of Barnard College, affiliated with Columbia College, and the first women's college in New York City. After this institution had received full sanction and recommendation at the hands of the faculty of the brother college she became one of the trustees and at the same time edited "Women's Work in America," a volume containing the result of three years earnest work and research. She married Dr. Alfred Meyer of New York, in 1887. Mrs. Meyer is opposed to women's suffrage, unless the franchise be restricted by laws providing for educational qualification. It is her theory that legislation should follow in the footsteps of education. She is a gifted woman, a poet and essayist, though most of her activities have been expended in philanthropic reform and charitable work. Her home is in New York City.


At fourteen years of age organized and taught a Sabbath school in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, a community too small to support a Rabbi. She was the first president of the Providence Section Council of Jewish Women; has been auditor and chairman of religious school. Commander of National Council of Jewish Women; president of various charitable societies; member of board of directors Providence Society for Organizing Charity; member board of managers Providence District Nursing Association; member Sex Hygiene Committee of Rhode Island State Conference of Charities; first woman appointed on Providence Playground Committee, having been appointed by both Republican and Democratic mayors, and having entire charge of purchasing all the supplies. Chairman of North End Free Dispensary, which she organized under auspices of Providence Section, Council of Jewish Women. Has lectured in various cities and has written newspaper articles on Jewish topics and on White Slave Traffic. Has written a "Children's Service" for use in the synagogue and compiled a book of "Selections for Homes and Schools."


Prominent Jewish woman. Miss Mordecai says of herself, that she is simply Miss Rose Mordecai "without either romance or mystery, but one who loves his fellow men." She was born in Washington, D. C, February 14, 1839. Her father was Major Alfred Mordecai, Sr., a distinguished officer of the old army before the war, who resigned in preference to fighting in the Civil War, opposed to the idea of brother against brother. He went to reside in Philadelphia where Miss Mordecai, with two sisters, kept a private school for forty years. Her father was an intimate friend of Mr. W. W. Corcoran the great philanthropist, of Washington, and Miss Mordecai now resides in the Louisa Home, established by Mr. Corcoran. Her mother's aunt was Miss Rebecca Gratz, the noted Jewish beauty of Philadelphia, whose beautiful character is believed to have been portrayed by Sir Walter Scott in his Rebecca of Ivanhoe.


Bertha Rauh was born June 16, 1865, at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Daughter of Samuel Floersheim and Pauline Wertheimer. Educated in the Pittsburgh public schools. Graduated 1884 with second honor degree, Pittsburgh Central High School. Married Enoch Rauh, president Milk and Ice Association, and of the Juvenile Court Aid Society; vice-president Ladies' Auxiliary, Gusky Orphanage; member of board, Columbian Council School Settlement; board of visitation for institutions in state of Pennsylvania; visiting board of the Pittsburgh and Allegheny Free Kindergarten Association; Civic Club of Allegheny County and of Permanent Civic Committee of Pittsburgh. Member Juvenile Court Committee of the Juvenile Court Association of Allegheny County. Chairman finance committee and member advisory board, Soho public bath. Was member of board of Humane Society of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, and of ladies' auxiliary of the Allegheny General Hospital. Organizer and leader of reading circle, in existence nine years, for study of literature. Articles: "The Advantages of the Higher Education"; "A Trip up the Allegheny Valley"; "Benefits of the Sunday Concerts"; "A Tribute to Christopher Lyman Magee"; "Justice to the Jew"; "Reform in Confirmation"; "Woman's Place on Judaism," in local papers. Her address is 5837 Bartlett Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.


Was born at St. Croix, Danish West Indies. Her father was Jacob Osino De Castro and an active Confederate. When New Orleans fell he fled to Mobile, Alabama. Her mother was Hannah De Sola. Miss De Castro was educated in the public schools of New Orleans, Louisiana. Married Reverend Isaac P. Mendes, an Englishman. She labored shoulder to shoulder with her husband for twenty-seven years, working in the interest of the Jewish people in Savannah and gave them a standing second to none in the South. She has been president of the Savannah Section of the Council of Jewish Women since its organization in 1895, and is affiliated and does active work in the following organizations: First vice-president of the Ladies' Hebrew Benevolent Society; honorary president of the Savannah Branch of the Needle Work Guild; second vice-president of the Association for the Education of Georgia Mountaineers; treasurer of the committee on Health and Sanitation; a member of a committee of the Associated Charities; one of the Georgia Joint Committee of the Department of School Patrons of the National Educational Association and honorary president of the Temple Guild of "Mickve Israel" Congregation.


Mrs. Elkers was born in New York City in 1863. Parents were Israel and Sarah Kahn, both natives of Germany, and of the Hebrew race. They with their family moved to California in 1877. Mrs. Elkers was married in Oakland to Albert Elkers of Sacramento in 1882. They have two sons, both graduates of the University of California. At the beginning of the Spanish War, in April, 1898, Mrs. Elkers founded the Sacramento Red Cross branch. Was its president from 1898 to 1908. Sacramento raised about $12,000 in money, food and supplies for the Red Cross work during the few months of the war. The Galveston disaster also received the attention of this branch and it did much to help the refugees from the earthquake and fire of 1906, which visited San Francisco. Mrs. Elkers was on the California State Red Cross Board from 1898 to 1904, and she is a charter member of the Saturday Club, 1893, one of the largest musical clubs in the United States, having a membership of fourteen hundred. She has done active musical work (piano), and has served on its board since 1894, and was president of the same from 1901 to 1905; honorary president since 1907. Assisted in starting four other musical clubs—Pacific Musical Society of San Francisco, Fresno Musical Club, Auburn and Berkeley, and is honorary member of the two

first named. She has been treasurer of the Hebrew Women's Benevolent Society for twenty-three years; secretary for the women's auxiliary of Congregation B'nai Israel for past five years; is one the board of the Sacramento City Mission; member of Home of the Merciful Saviour; Young Woman's Christian Association; Society for Homeless Children; San Francisco Auxiliary to Hebrew Orphan Asylum; Tuesday Club; Museum Association; Golf Club and has been on the board of the University of California Extension work. Her husband, Albert Elkers, is a native of Sacramento, where they have continued to reside.