The Writings of Carl Schurz/To Moorfield Storey, December 12th, 1892


“Solitude,” Pocantico Hills,
Westchester Co., N. Y., Dec. 12, 1892.

Your letter of the 5th inst. has remained unanswered longer than I intended. I wished to see Mr. Cleveland before answering your questions. I had a short conversation with him at the Reform Club banquet Saturday night, and told him substantially what you had written. As to the steps contemplated by civil service reformers to get President Harrison to extend the operations of the rules, he said he wished the reform associations to go ahead by all means. I have no doubt he would feel very much relieved by any extension that could be had. I am convinced from the conversations I have had with him, that his intentions are of the very best and that he also will act with much greater confidence in his own influence and power. On the whole I must say that the impressions I have received from him are most encouraging.

As to the conference of a delegation of civil service reformers with him, I had no opportunity to talk with him about that at the banquet. But I shall write to him to-day or to-morrow and advise you as soon as I get his answer.