Thom's Irish Who's Who/Barton, Sir John George

2906296Thom's Irish Who's Who — Barton, Sir John George

BARTON, Sir John George, Knt. (1902); C.F.. (1900); F.S.I.; studied engineering under Messrs. Maudsley, Sons, and Field, London, and James Barton, Member of Council, Institute C.E.; constructed the Castlederg Light Railway; was joint engineer of the Clogher Valley Railway; Inspecting Engineer of the Board of Works; Government Arbitrator under Board of Trade for several railways in Ireland; member of Departmental Committees on Science Colleges for Ireland. Decorated for service in connection with the Local Govt. (Ireland) Act; late Commissioner of Valuation and Chief Boundary Surveyor of Ireland to 1917; b. 13th October, 1850; son of James Barton, M.Inst.C.E., Farndreg, Co. Louth; m. 1916, Florence, dau. of Col. C. Grantham, and widow of Col. A. E. Hamilton Smyth. Pves.: Farndreg, Co. Louth. Clubs: Windham, Constitutional, London; Hibernian United Service, Dublin.