3301499Thom's Irish Who's Who — Maguire, Joseph

MAGUIRE, Joseph, Barrister Kings Inns, 1885; Chief Clerk Registry of Deeds (1908-11); Alderman for West Clontarf (1912-3); Director of the "Freeman's Journal," Ltd. (1912-5); Guardian of the Poor of the N.D.U. and D.U. (1914-19); Member of the Council of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireand (1894-1901); Member of the Council of the Civil Service Benevolent Fund, (1902-10); b. 8th January, 1851; son of James Maguire, Esq. of Banbridge; J.P. for Down County. Educ.: St. Patrick's College, Armagh, and St. Colman's College, Violet Hill, Newry; Matriculated in the Catholic University, Ireland (1866), and in the Royal University, Ireland (1881); Auditor of the Law Students' Debating Society (1885), and delivered the Inaugural Address on the Codification of the Laws. Pubns.: A Compendium of the Law and Practice relating to the Registration of Deeds, Judgments, Mortgages, and facts affecting Title to Land (latest edition, 1920); Papers on the Registration of Assurances Bill (1891), and the Local Registration of Title Act (1891), published in the Proceedings of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, together with a series of letters which appeared in the Dublin Press in reply to criticisms of the O'Conor Don, and Mr. H. D. Montgomery, D.L., on the last-named Act; acted as joint Secretary to a Committee of the Statistical Society interested in the working of this Act (1894); Land Transfer Registration of Deeds and Title (1922); acted as Joint Secretary to the Parliamentary and Municipal Section of the Congress of Public Health (1911); contributed a paper on the Small Dwellings Acquisition Act, 1899, as making for the public health and for good citizenship; received the special thanks of the Congress; supported the project of a Municipal Art Gallery for the housing of the Lane Pictures; lectured in the Father Matthew Hall on literary and historical subjects; interested in Legal Reform and in Social Questions, including the reform of the Poor Law and the adjustment of the relations between capital and labour; addressed Home Rule Meetings in Cornwall (1912); in politics a Constitutionalist, and an advocate of National Development on organised lines; Res.: 14 Elgin Road, Dublin.