Transactions of the Geological Society, 1st series, vol. 4/List of Donations

585555List of Donations









From the Close of the Ninth Session in June, 1816,
to the Close of the Tenth Session in June, 1817,

together with the dates at which they were respectively made,
and the



I. Donations to the Library.
1816. donations. donors
June 1. A Description of the principal picturesque Beauties, Antiquities, and Geological Phœnomena, of the Isle of Wight, by Snr H.C.Englefield, Bart. with additional Observations on the Strata of the Island, and their continuation in the adjacent parts of Dorsetshire; by Thomas Webster, Esq. Sir H. C. Englefield, Bart. Memb. G. Soc.
Aug. 2. Histoire Naturelle de diverses substances minerales siliceuses passées a l'etat de Pechsteins, ou pierres de poix, par M. Faujus de Saint Fond. Paris, 1816, 4 t° The Author.
Annals of Philosophy for August, 1816, by Dr. Thomson. The Editor.
Sept. 1. Annals of Philosophy for September, 1816, by Dr. Ihomson. The Editor.
Journal de Physique for March, April, May, and June, 1816. Memb. Robt. Ferguson, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
Oct. 25. Annals of Philosophy for October and November, by Dr. Thomson The Editor.
1816. books. donors
Oct. 25. Notices sur des Plantes Fossiles, renfermées dans un Schiste marneux des environs dc Chaumerac et de Roche-Sauve, department de l'Ardèche par M. Faujas de Saint Fond. The Author.
Nov. 8. Nos. 10 to 25 of the Mineral Conchology, of great Britain, by James Sowerby, Esq. Memb. The Author.
9. Two Extracts from the Bibliotheque Britannique De la matrere premiere des Laves, & Refutation de l'hypothése d'un Auteur anonyme sur la formation des Vallées, by J. André de Luc. The Author.
Essai sur le Departement de l'Aude, adressé au Ministre de l'Interieur, par C. I. Barante, Prefet de Geneve. 1 vol. 8 v° G. B. Greenough, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
Mineralogie Sicilienne, docimastique et metallurgique, par l'Auteur de la Lythologie Sicilienne, Turin, 1780. 1 vol. 8v•
Voyage Mineralogique fait en Hongrie et en Transilvanie, par M. de Born. Paris, 1790. 1 vol. 8°
A Treatise on the external, chemical, and physical characters of Minerals, by R. Jameson, Hon. Member of the Geological Society. Edin. 1816. 1 vol. 8v°
Accompanied by a set of illustrative Models.
N. J. Larkin, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
15. Mineralogue Homerique, ou essai sur les Mineraux dont il est fait mention dans les Poémes d'Homere Par A. L.Millin, Membre de l'Institut royal de France, &c. Paris, 1816, 2d edit. 1 vol. 8v° Charles Stokes, Esq., Sec. G. Soc.
Theophrastus's History of Stones, with an English Version and Notes, 2d edit. by Sir John Hill. Lond. 1774. I vol. 8v°
A General Account of the Rivers of note in Great Britain, by Henry Skrine, Esq. LL.B.
16. Outlines of Mineralogy and Ge0logy.— An Elementary Introduction to the knowledge of Mineralogy. By William Phillips, M.G.S. The Author.
28. Annals of Philosophy, for December, 1816. By Dr. Thomson. The Editor.
29. Annals of Philosophy by Dr.Thomson, for July
Dec. 5. Considerations sur les montagnes volcaniques, par M. Collini, Directeur du Cabinet d'Histoire Naturelle, de S.A.S.E. Palatine et de Boviere, Manheim, 1781, 1 vol. 4t° G.B. Greenough, Esq, Memb. G. Soc.
Mineralogisch geographische und andere vermischte Rachrnchten von den Ultarschen Gebnrgen Russrsch Ranserlirhen Untheils von H. M. Renovans. Reval. 1788, 1 vol. 4t°
Physikalisch-Metallurgische Abhandlungen uber die Gebirge und Bergwerke in Ungarn von Johann Jakop Ferber, Prof. in Mitan. Berlin, und Stettin, 1780, 1 vol. 8°
1816. books. donors
Dec. 5. Voyage Mineralogique Philosophique et Historique en Toscane, par le Doctenr Jean Targi. oni Tozetti. Paris, 1792, 2 vols. 8v° G. B. Greenough, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
Journal de Physique for July and Ang. 1816. Robert Ferguson, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
6. Tableau Synoptique d'Oreognosie, on connoissance des montagnes ou roches donné par M. Tondi, dans son dernier cours particulier en 1811. The Author.
Memoria Mineralogica sulla montagna e sui contorni di S. Gottardo di Ermunegildo Pini. The Author.
Bibliotheca Italiana ossia Giornale di Letteratura, Scienze ed arti compilato de Una Societi di Litterati, tomo. 1. Milano, 1816. The Editors.
17. Journal of Science and the Arts, edited at the Rogzal Institution of Great Britain. Nos. 1, 2, 3 The Royal Institution of Great Britain.
18. Der Granit des Riesengebirges und di ihn umgebendeu Gebirgs-Familien, eine geognostische Skizze von Karl von Raumer Bergrath und Professor in Breslau. G. B. Greenough, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
Breislak mineralogische Reise durch anen Theil dos Kirchenstaats. Robert Ferguson, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
Journal de Physique for September, 1816.
Handbuch zur Chemischeu Analyse der Mineral Corper von W. U. Lampadius, Professor der chimie und des huttenwesens an der Freybergen Bergacademie. Alexander Henderson, M.D. Memb. G. Soc.
20. Report on the Tavistock Canal. John Taylor, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
Description of Greenland, by the Chevalier Charles Louis Giesecké. Henry Heulaud, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
24. Catalogue des 4 Collections de M. le Marquis de Drée. M. le Marquis de Drée.
31. Annals of Philosophy for January 1817, by Dr. Thomson. The Editor.
Journal of Science and the Arts, edited at the Royal Institution of Great Britain. No. 4. 1817. The Royal Institution of Great Britain.
Jan. 1. Meterological Table for 1816, extracted from the Register kept at Kinfauns Castle, N. Britain. J. MacCulloch, M.D. Pres. G. Soc.
27. Memoire sur la possibilité de faire vivre des mollusques fluviatiles dans les eaux salées, et des mollusques marins dans les eaux douces, considerée sons le rapport de la Geologie. Par F. S. Beudant. The Author.
La Siderotechnie, ou l'art de traiter les Minerais de fer pour en obtenir de la fonte du fer on de l'acier, par J. H. Hassenfratz, Inspecteur Divisionaire au Corps Imperial des Mines. 4 vols. 4t° The Conseil des Mines.
Transactions of the Linnean Society of London. vols. 9, 10, & 11. The Linnean Society.
1817. books. donors
Jan. 31. Annals of Philosophy for February, I817, by Dr. Thomson. The Editor.
Feb. 7. Journal de Physique for Oct. 1816. Robert Ferguson, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
Natural History of Fossils, by Emanuel Mendes da Costa. Lond. 1757, 4t° Dr. Wright of Litchfield.
Sciagraphia Lithologtca euriosa, sen lapidum figuratorum nomenclator, a Joh. Jac. Scheuchsero, M.D. Math. Prof. Tigurino, &c. Auctus & Illustratus a Jac. Theod. Klein Gedani, 1740, 4t°
A Delineation of the Strata of Derbyshire, de signed from a Tablet composed of the Specimens of each stratum, with an explanatory account, by White Watson, F.L.S Sheffield, 1811, 4t°
Journal de Physique for Nov. & Dec. 1816. Robert Ferguson, Esq. Menb. G. Soc.
31. Annals of Philosophy for March, 1817, by Dr. Thomson. The Editor.
March 19. Outlines of Geology; being the Substance of a Course of Lectures delivered in the Theatre of the Royal Institution in the year 1816, by W. T. Brando, Esq. Memb. G.S. The Author.
Observations on an astringent vegetable substance from China, by W. T. Brande, Esq. Memb. G.S. The Author.
Bersuch einer Unleitnng snr Geologischen Renntnik der Mineralien ron D. H. F. Lunt. G. B. Greenough, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
Das Fitchtelgebirge nach vielen Retsen auf dem selben beschrneben von J. Th. B. Helfrecht. 2 vols.
Mineralogische berg-und huttenmannische Reisenhemerkungen vorzuglich in Hessen, Thuringen am Rbeme und im Seyn-Altenkirchner Gebiethe gesammelt von Dr. Johann Ludwig Jordan.
Histoire Naturelle de la Suisse dans l'ancien monde, traduite de l'Allemand de Mr. A. S. Groaner.
Gedanken uber Die Btldung des Basalts und dia vormahlige Beschalfenhett der Gebirge in Deutschland, von A. P. von Veltheim.
Bersuch einer mineralogischen Beschreibung des Uralischen Erzgebirges von Bened. Fr. Joh. Hermann. 2 vols.
Johann Gottlieb Kern vom Schnectensteine oder dem Sschsischen Topasfelseu von Ignats edlen von Born
Considerations generales sur les vestiges fossiles vegetaux du sol des environs de Paris, par M. Hericart de Thury. M. Hericart de Montplaisir.
30. Annals of Philosophy for April, 1817, by Dr. Thomson. The Editor.
1817. books. donors
March 30. Journal of Science and the Arts, edited at the Royal Institution of Great Britain, No. 5. The Royal Institution of Great Britain.
Le Regne Animal distribué d'apres son organination pour servir de base a l'Histoire Naturelle des Animaux et d'Introduction a l'Anatomie comparée par M. le Ch. Cuvier, Conseiller d'Etat ordinaire, Secretaire perpetuel de l'Academie des Sciences de l'Institut Royal, &c. Paris, 1817, 4 vols. 8v• Charles Stokes, Esq. Sec. G. Soc.
Histoire Naturelle des Animaux sans vertébres, par M. le Chevalier de Lamarck, Membre de l'Institut Royal de France, &c. Paris, 1815, 3 vols. 8v•
Memoire sur les Fossiles des environs de Paris par Lamarck, 4t°
Dictionaire Allemande-Francais contenant les termes propres a l'exploitation des Mines a la Metalurgie & a la Mineralogie, par J. B. Beurard, Paris, 1809, 8v°
Elementary Treatise on Mineralogy and Geology, by Parker Cleaveland, Prof. of Mathm. and Nat. Phil. &c. in Bowden College. Boston, 1816, 8v° William Vaughan, Esq.
May 2. Annals of Philosophy for May, 1817, by Dr. Thomson. The Editor.
Memoire sur le vases murrhins qu'on apportaient jadis en Egypte, et sur ceux qui s'y fabriquaient, par M. de Roziere. The Author.
Description Mineralogique de la valée de Qosseyr, par M. de Roziere. The Author.
De l'Ibis Egyptien, par M. de Roziere. The Author.
De la Geographie comparée et de l'ancien etat des cotes de la mer rouge, par M. de Roziere. The Author.
An Account of the Life and Writings of Baron Guyton de Morveau, F.R.S. Member of the Institute of France, &c. by A. B. Granville, M.D. &c. The Author.
31. Journal de Physique for January, 1817. Robert Feguson, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
Annals of Philosophy for June, 1817, by Dr. Thomson. The Editor.
II. Donations to the Collections of Maps, Sections, &c.
1816. maps, &c.
Sept. 24. Engraving of Fossil Bones in the Museo Valsamachi. Le Conte Demetrius Valsamachi.
Oct. 25. Ordnance Map of Dorsetshire. Col. Mudge, Hon. Memb. G. Geo.
Geological Map of the vicinity of Nice. Capt. Margat, R.N. Memb. G. Soc.
Dec. 6. Proof of the Outline of the Ordnance Survey of Dorsetshtre Hon. Col. Mudge, Memb. G. Soc.
11. Ordnance Survey of Sussex.
1816. books. donors
Dec. 11. Vue occidentale de la Fortresse de Konigstein en Saxe G. B. Greenough, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
Nordliche Ansicht des Schlesisclnen Riesengebarges.
March 19. Five Drawings of Fossil Alcyonia. Miss Benett.
May 2. Andrews Map of England and Wales, 1786. Sir H. C. Englefield, Bart. Memb. G. Soc.
III. Donations to the Cabinet of Minerals.
1816. specimens
July 20. Fossil wood from the Ferruginous Sand near Sandy. Bedfordshire. Rev. Mr. Gorham, Fel. Queen's Col. Camb.
Specimens of Flint from the Chalk at Guildford, with a recent sponge resembling it in general form. C. Stokes, Esq. Sec. Geol. Society.
Aug. 1. Fossil Organic Remains from the Chalk.
Specimen of the Brunswick eucrinus. G. B. Greenongh,
Esq. Rev. William Conybeare,
Rev. William Buckland.
Sept. 1. Specimens accompanying a Paper by Mr. Anstice. Mr. Anstice.
Specimens from Guadaloupe Rev. Mr. Guilding, Memb. G. Soc.
Specimens of Simple Minerals. J. Mawe, Esq.
23. Fossil Bones from Walton and Fossils from Sheppey. Henry Warburton, Esq. V.P. G. Soc.
24. Specimens of Ammonites in Portland stone. Joseph Gawen, Esq.
Oct. 7. Chromat of Iron from America. Henry Warburton, Esq. V. P. Geol. Soc.
24. Specimens from North America. T. W. Webster, Esq.
Specimens of Lyas and its Fossils from the cliffs on the Severn. Henry Warburton, Esq. V. P. Geol. Soc.
Fossils of the Chalk.
Specimens of Simple Minerals. Johann Rohatsch, M.D.
25. Specimens and Organic Remains from the vicinity of Nice. Capt. Marryat, R.N. Memb. G. Soc.
Organic Remains from the Lyas near Charmouth. Charles Stokes, Esq. Sec. G. Soc.
Nov. 6. Specimens of Bath Oolite, from Farleigh Down, near Bath. Henry Warburton, Esq. V.P. G. Soc.
8. Organic Remains from the Tagus. James Sowerby, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
9. Specimens from Montreal, in North America, collected by the Earl of Selkirk. John MacCulloch, M.D. Pres. G. Soc.
14. Specimens of Pitchstone, Pearlstone, and Sulphat of Strontian on Trap, from the Euganean hills. G. B. Greeuough, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
15. Specimens of Kimmeridge Coal Money. W. H. Wollaston. M.D. Memb. G. Soc.
Dec. 6. Specimen of Fossil Pentacrinus. Sir H. C. Englelield, Bart. Memb. G. Soc.
11. Specimens from Italy, and from the Volcanic district on the Rhine. G. B. Greenough, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
Specimens from Auvergne. Edmond W. Rundell, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
1816. books. donors
Dec. 6. Four Specimens of Fossil Fish from Monte Bolca Veronese. Capt. Marryat, R.N. Memb. G..Soc.
Specimens of Simple Minerals. John Taylor, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
Five series of Specimens from the Isles of Skye and Rasay, of Gneiss, Siliceous Schist, Actinolute, and Sandstone. John MacCulloch, M.D. Pres. G. Soc.
Jan. 1. Specimens of Curl Stone from Monmouthshire. John Norris, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
Specimens of Oolite from the Cotswold hills. David Ricardo, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
Specimen of Steatitical Limestone from Skye. John MacCulloch, M.D. Pres. G. Soc.
Specimen of Sulphat of Soda with Magnesia, from Calatoyad in Arragon. M. Leman, For. Memb. G. Soc.
A series of Hypersthene Rock from Skye and Ardnamurchan. John MacCulloch, M.D. Pres. G. Soc.
7. Specimens from Scotland
Specimen of crystallized Tourmaline with Appatite, from Devonshire. J. Mawe, Esq.
16. Specimens of Simple Minerals. Sig. Chierici.
17. Specimens collected in Syria by Mr. Buckingham. Mr. Babington.
Specimen of arsenical Cobalt and native Silver from Wilsworthy. G. B. Greenough, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
31.  Specimens of Arseniate of Copper. Charles Stokes, Esq. Sec. G. Soc.
Feb. 7. Specimens of Garnet from Fahlun, and Gadolinite in the matrix from Ytterby in Sweden. Wm. Macmichael, M.D. Memb. G. Soc.
Specimens of the rock at the bottom of the fall of Niagara. Sir Henry Englelield, Bart. Memb. G. Soc.
Specimens of red and green Tourmaline from New England. A. Aikiu, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
Specimens from Scotland. John MacCulloch, M.D. Pres. G. Soc.
20. Fossil Organic Remains from Germany. G. B. Greenongh, Esq. Memb. G. Soc. The Rev. Wm. Buckland, Memb. G. Soc. and The Rev. Vl m. Conybeare, Memb. G. Soc.
Specimens of Slate from Angers, and six Trilobites from Grenaudiere. Hon. H. G. Bennet, V.P. G. Soc.
Specimens of the rock in which the Cave and Sculpture of Elephants is formed. Dr. Wright of Litchfield.
Mar. 7. Specimens from Scotland. John MacCulloch, M.D. Memb. G. Soc.
Specimens from Torre del Greco of Substances that have been altered by being buried under the lava from the eruption of Vesuvius on the 15th June, 1794. Hon. H. G. Bennet, V.P. G. Soc.
Specimens from the neighbourhood of Kremnitz in Hungary, and Specimens from the country between Vienna and Venice. G. B. Greenough, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
1817. specimens. donors
Mar. 21. Specimens from Scotland. John MacCulloch, M.D. Pres. G. Soc.
Specimens of the Green Sand stratum from Boxham, one mile east of Warminster. Miss Benett.
Slab of Serpentine and primitive Marble, from near the town of Milford in the State of Connecticut, North America. William Vaughan, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
April 18. Casts from Bivalves from the sand at Chobham. Charles Stokes, Esq. Sec. G. Soc.
Specimens of Ferruginous Sandstone impregnated with bitumen from Chilly Sussex. G. B. Greenough, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
Series of Specimens of Slate from Dunkeld, and a series of Mica Slate from Perthshire. John MacCulloch, M.D. Pres. G. Soc.
Specimens of Grauwakke with impressions of shells from Devonshire. Rev. William Honey, Memb. G. Soc.
Specimens found on the Strathmoro estate, Parish of Enssie, Forfnrshire. John Adam, MD.
Fossils from the Ferruginous Sand, Parham Park, Sussex. G. B. Greenough, Esq. Mem. G. Soc.
May 2. Specimens from the Isle of Man and Rasay. John MacCulloch, M.D. Pres. G. Soc.
Specimens from the Pitch Lake in Trinidad. Hon. H. G. Bennet, V.P. G Soc.
Specimens from Syria and Egypt. M. de Roziere.
11. Specimens of Arenaceo-calcareous Stalactile from Delvine, Perthshire. John MacCulloch, M D. Pres. G. Soc.
Recent Shells. Miss Benett.
Specimens from the Alps. Dr. Jurra, of Geneva.
June 6. Specimens from the Basin of Paris. Ashhurst Majendie, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
Specimens from the Basin of Paris. E. W. Rundell, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
Fossils from the Stonesfield Slate. Henry Warburton, Esq V.P. G. Soc.
Fossils from the Stonesfield Slate. Hon. H. G. Bennet, V.P. G. Soc.
20. Specimens from Devonshire. Thomas Meade, Esq.
Specimens of Pyrophysalite and other simple Minerals from Sweden. M. Swenedenstierna.