Translation:Baltic to Tatras, sonnets / V. On the sea (The Sailor)

Baltic to Tatras, sonnets (1881)
by Stanislaw Tarnowski, translated from Polish by Wikisource
V. On the sea (The Sailor)

Scans on Commons, „Bałtyk Tatrom! Sonety” in manuscript in the collections of the Archiwum Dzikowskiego Tarnowskich (signature: ADzT 502 (29/639/0/2.49/502 „Korespondencja Jana Dzierżysława), which is currently part of the National Archive in Cracow.

2990299Baltic to Tatras, sonnets — V. On the sea (The Sailor)1881Stanislaw Tarnowski


On the sea
[The Sailor][1]

(One carrier asked Marynia Sierakowska why she is without [her] husband e.t.c.)

„Thus, he so far? ! You in loneliness? !”
He became silent – and in mind only dared to add:
„I if I had similar, I would have dreamed the life
But I stand and I drown soul in her eyes!”
He began again: – „O, how beautiful in the light of the month
Sitting near themselves in a boat to hum sad song,
To flow, to flow, and to flow, and though would not come back
Only to flow and to sing and to love without end!”
Though there is no feather of smoke on these hills
And crown of the flames above them does not burns
If the volcano more fiery than the heat of Vesuvius
Boils and boils over in the men's secret depths of bosom
Wouldn't a woman's soul ignite from him...?
Who’s He? Sailor from the North.
                                    I will not tell who’s she.

  1. „The Sailor” – the alternative title of this poem.