Translations from Camoens; and Other Poets, with Original Poetry/Estese el cortesano


Estese el cortesano.

    LET the vain courtier waste his days,
    Lured by the charms that wealth displays,
The couch of down, the board of costly fare;
    Be his to kiss th' ungrateful hand,
    That waves the sceptre of command,
And rear full many a palace in the air;
    Whilst I enjoy, all unconfined,
    The glowing sun, the genial wind,
And tranquil hours, to rustic toil assigned;
    And prize far more, in peace and health,
Contented indigence, than joyless wealth.

    Not mine in Fortune's fane to bend,
    At Grandeur's altar to attend,
Reflect his smile, and tremble at his frown;
    Nor mine a fond aspiring thought,
    A wish, a sigh, a vision, fraught
With Fame's bright phantom, Glory's deathless crown!
    Nectareous draughts and viands pure,
    Luxuriant nature will ensure;

    These the clear fount, and fertile field,
    Still to the wearied shepherd yield;
    And when repose and visions reign,
Then we are equals all, the monarch and the swain.