PHP Bible standardisation script
40274PHP Bible standardisation script
// set $verbose to True for detailed output
$verbose = False;

// get the input, line by line
$handle = fopen("bible.txt", "r");

// regexp for matching the pattern
$chapter_pattern = "@==[\s]?[Cc]hapter[\s]?([0-9]+)[\s]?==@";

// There are multiple verse formats. Comment out the one that '''isn't''' used.

// regexp 1 for matching the verse number 
$verse_pattern = "@<small><font color=#0000FF>([0-9]+)</font color></small>@";

// regexp 2
$verse_pattern = "@<small style=\"color:blue\">([0-9]+)</small>@";

// if verbose, note that the corrected text can be found at the end of the likely long information
($verbose) ? print("Verbose output enabled. Scroll to the end of this output for the corrected text.<br>"): print("");

// begin while look
while (!feof($handle)):
	// get line from $handle
	$buffer = fgets($handle, 1024);
	// check for chapter match
	if (preg_match($chapter_pattern, $buffer, $chapter_match)):
		// ->chapter match, set chapter to $1 "([0-9]+)"
		$chapter = $chapter_match[1]; 
		// if verbose, detail output
		($verbose) ? print("Found chapter: " . $chapter . "<br>"): print("");
	// not a chapter match
		// check for verse
		if (preg_match($verse_pattern, $buffer, $verse_match)):
			// set verse for verbose
			$verse = $verse_match[1];
			// if verbose, detailed output
			($verbose) ? print("Found verse: " . $verse . ". Applying fix. (" . $chapter . ":" . $verse . ")<br>"): print("");
			// make the new verse with the current chapter
			$verse_new = "{{verse|chapter=" . $chapter . "|verse=$1}}";
			// s/$verse_pattern/$verse_new
			$buffer = preg_replace($verse_pattern, $verse_new, $buffer);
			// if verbose, detailed output
			($verbose) ? print("Not a verse. Skipping...<br>"): print("");
	// append buffer to data
	$data .= $buffer;
// if verbose, detailed output
($verbose) ? print("End of file. Display corrected text:<br><br>"): print("");

// output data
echo "<textarea cols=100 rows=40>" . $data . "</textarea>";