Hello Youssefa, welcome to Wikisource! Thanks for your interest in the project; we hope you'll enjoy the community and your work here.

You'll find an (incomplete) index of our works listed at Wikisource:Works, although for very broad categories like poetry you may wish to look at the categories like Category:Poems instead.

Please take a glance at our help pages (especially Adding texts and Wikisource's style guide). Most questions and discussions about the community are in the Scriptorium.

The Community Portal lists tasks you can help with if you wish. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me on my talk page!

Glad to see we have a new user, and one with a specific goal nonetheless :) Welcome to the project, and if you have any questions, just ask! (FYI, Coptic texts can be hosted on Wikisource.org right now, and they will be moved over to any future Coptic-specific project in the future) Sherurcij Collaboration of the Week: William Lyon Mackenzie King 07:53, 3 May 2008 (UTC)Reply