Woman of the Century/Clara L. Brown Dyer

2271504Woman of the Century — Clara L. Brown Dyer

CLARA L. BROWN DYER. DYER. Mrs. Clara I. Brown, artist, born in Cape Elizabeth, Maine. 13th March, 1849. Her father was a popular sea captain. On many of his voyages he was accompanied by his daughter, then only a child. From her mother's family she inherited artistic talent. Several of her uncles were wood-carvers and excelled in decorative work. In December, 1870, she became the wife of Charles A. Dyer, then a successful business man of Portland, Maine, now engaged in gold-mining in California. Her family consisted of a son in and a daughter. The son survives, but the daughter died in childhood. Mrs. Dyer turned her attention to art and became very much interested, and her talent, so many years hidden, came to light. She soon became the most enthusiastic and persevering of students. She took a thorough course in an art school, under able instructors, drawing from the antique and from life. She has paid considerable attention to portrait painting. In landscape painting she is seen at her best. She has made many fine sketches of the scenery about Cisco Hay. and she his added to her collection some excellent sketches of mountain and inland scenery. Some of her studies have been exhibited in Boston, Portland and other cities. and have been highly spoken of by critics, as well as the general public.